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Daily Login Rewards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Good guy EA, give everyone the best 80 PF (AI at least) just for logging in.

This isn't the base card because it's a balanced playmaker instead of a defensive rim protector so like with Westbrook and Griffin I expect it to be nerfed but a free elite is nice but all these free elites either mean they won't fix the AH or they want to compensate for it being broke


All-Star 1
I wish we could defer the reward until we actually need it. My stamina was at 490 for Elevate when the award was given so I only got 10. Even better, why put a cap on stamina in the first place?!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It's so that we have cards for the new lineups.

Yeah I know that i was talking about other then that but unless there is a bench for all these lineups it won't apply because Griffin and Markkanen are both balanced and unless they make Markkanen a C they both will be a balanced PF so you choose between an 80 PF or an 80-85 one I personally hope that there isn't a bench for the new lineups because 4-5 lineups with 10 players each will be a pain in the ass to maintain
I wish we could defer the reward until we actually need it. My stamina was at 490 for Elevate when the award was given so I only got 10. Even better, why put a cap on stamina in the first place?!

Damn... Perfectly timed for the max amount in Elevate and bam, here's 50 but you only get 10 of it.

Add me to the list of folks wondering why the cap is 500 as well...
It's so that we have cards for the new lineups.

Yeah I know that i was talking about other then that but unless there is a bench for all these lineups it won't apply because Griffin and Markkanen are both balanced and unless they make Markkanen a C they both will be a balanced PF so you choose between an 80 PF or an 80-85 one I personally hope that there isn't a bench for the new lineups because 4-5 lineups with 10 players each will be a pain in the ass to maintain

They may be making sure everyone has a free card to do the elite trade in for Tip-Off but they're already giving us a free #trending player so I assume they are trying to boost our new lineups.


All-Star 1
Finally daily rewards like in UFC mobile..


They should do a continuous login reward. Mix of stamina, coin, pro packs, NBA cash, a raffle wheel type deal on some days where you can earn players, and then at certain points it could give us elite packs like at 75 consecutive days or whatever. Maybe this is going to be continuous but I think it's just linked with Tipoff


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