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Daily beats sets(110s, FB, GOTW, Legends, )


Rookie 1
1. How long is the cooldown for each of these sets?

2: Is there still a chance at ovr increase in those sets? I'd very much appreciate it if you asked them again on twitter or reddit...
Was really hoping they'd change their minds
According to Brian we should be satisfied with what we got. I was looking at last 2 seasons legend/ultimate legend sets and my oh my we had a ton of players. Looking at this year's sets we have 3 legend player sets only. Damn shame!


Rookie 1
Im gon be so pissed i might open a twitter and reddit account just to let em have a piece of my mind if i use up my tokens and they suddenly decide to increase them
This is the season witn the most legends card, according the database guys. Most of them came outside the legends set tho.

And i got that 110 Harden for free, a beast in pvp, so i wont complain
This is the season witn the most legends card, according the database guys. Most of them came outside the legends set tho.

And i got that 110 Harden for free, a beast in pvp, so i wont complain
Really? Including the last seasons ultimate legends? It really doesnt feel like it. Last 2 seasons I used multiple legends/Uls but ive only used 2-3 this season. The daily tabs sets have been mostly bare all season.
He means in general not just the Legends program. I liked a lot of the card art and legend choices this season but they ruined programs along with just about everything else that doesn’t involve a promo money grab. I guess Legends wasn’t as bad as the awful start to the program in Season 2 that they eventually abandoned but it was neglected and it wouldn’t surprise me if they fade it out. The effort they put into Ultimate Legends this season was pathetic.

Personally, I think you can pinpoint the moment this season went downhill with Harden Chapter 3.
Yeah, I mean in general. We've had more promos with only legends masters this season than last season. 4th of July, The last 3 vs 3 with Archibald/Gervin, that one with Wilt/Thomas at the beginning of the season, quantum dunk.....

At least the pay off is better this season with the 110 ovr Daily beats players. Remember last season with the POTM cards? Lol. A lot of effort for 2 extra tokens for the POTY.

And yes, Legends need a reboot next season
Yeah, I mean in general. We've had more promos with only legends masters this season than last season. 4th of July, The last 3 vs 3 with Archibald/Gervin, that one with Wilt/Thomas at the beginning of the season, quantum dunk.....

At least the pay off is better this season with the 110 ovr Daily beats players. Remember last season with the POTM cards? Lol. A lot of effort for 2 extra tokens for the POTY.

And yes, Legends need a reboot next season
Ah I see. I don't count 3vs3 as a program. I see it as a promo. I'm strictly talking cards that use legend tokens. What I miss is the weekly release of new players. We may have more legend players but I for one wasn't getting a new program player every week like I used to. Releasing a bunch of 107s at once with cool down on the sets & 1 token a day, meant going weeks without claiming a player. So eventhough we had more players it took way longer to claim them.
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When they were releasing weekly, and then monthly Legends, they were too far behind the OVR curve. Having a portion of each promo easily grindable, and a single competitive lineup, meant that programs were redundant this season. There was also a move away from luck based tokens, which I supppse the community is happy with, but I for one found luck based programs more satisfying than the current points based promos. I suspect that they don’t want to devote man hours to coming up with weekly program cards. It’s a shame really as we used to have something to look forward to on most days of the week.

I do agree that the Daily Beats sets are better than the POTM/TOTY debacle. But then Impact was a poor reworking of TOTW.


Rookie 1
Could be nicer if they guve tokens for thise set completed prior to this set updates. It would help a lot to those early season grinders.


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