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Can't sell 86 Rose


Rookie 1
This feels like the auction house problem all over again. I?ve been trying to sell this 86 D Rose for like 2 days now. The ones that drop in my auction house will sell automatically for 1.2 mil and sometimes 1.3 mil, but when I try posting him for a similar or lower price he won?t sell. Ive tried everything, even 100 bid. Any advice ?
Re: Frustrated

Ah changes did not eliminate price caps so he still won't post at 100 coins. What has been working for me is take a look at the AH and find the lowest price for your card, then reduce the buy now by 3-5%, then take your reduced buy now amount and reduce it by no more than 15% to get a bid price.


Rookie 1
Re: Frustrated

Ah changes did not eliminate price caps so he still won't post at 100 coins. What has been working for me is take a look at the AH and find the lowest price for your card, then reduce the buy now by 3-5%, then take your reduced buy now amount and reduce it by no more than 15% to get a bid price.

Thank you! I will try that hopefully it works.


All-Star 1
Re: Frustrated

Idk, the players I've tried to sell we're easy to do. I sold 87 Kyrie, 85 Curry, and 83 Rip last week all on first listing. Myabe it's bc I just want em to sell but I usually look to see what's got bids & remember that price range. Then I check all available to see what lowest BIN is. Then I post it at a BIN of just over what the current bids are, adjusting it slightly depending on where the BINs are at. And I make my bid price at or slightly lower than the lowest bid listing, as long as I'm comfortable selling it at that. It works every time. I got good $ for Rip even though there were a lot listed, just because the BIN was on point. Ppl don't wanna spend time in bidding wars so if you find the sweet spot on the BIN, they'll go for it. Keep trying but remember that if you absolutely have to get a certain price, it may take a while to get it. I sold Kyrie for 1.2 mil BIN bc all the bids we're at 1.1-ish and the BINs we're all at 1.3 or higher. I bet posting Rose for 1 mil BIN would sell straight away. If you gotta have that extra 200k, keep at it


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Next time can you please have some more context in your titles

But as far as the point in your thread goes putting a 100 bid price on an elite is most likely gonna be a no go from the bot so they don't bid on or mirror the card just keep trying at around the 1-1.2 mil price for both bid and bin prices


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