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Can someone explain step by step how you snipe cards please


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Make a filter you want then sit there until the refresh which is every 5 minutes and about 3-5 seconds the refresh is the exact time the new cards are posted it's off by a minute between each AH server so it's not the same exact time for each AH


Rookie 3
Make a filter you want then sit there until the refresh which is every 5 minutes and about 3-5 seconds the refresh is the exact time the new cards are posted it's off by a minute between each AH server so it's not the same exact time for each AH
To refresh do I move left and right or do something else is there a specific time frame when pricing on the cards gets pretty spectacular


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
To refresh do I move left and right or do something else is there a specific time frame when pricing on the cards gets pretty spectacular
To refresh you hit the refresh button in the top right but to find out the refresh time find a card that has sold but hasn't disappeared from the AH yet and keep refreshing the page until it disappears then that exact time is the refresh time and take that time and add 5 minutes and 3-5 seconds each time


Rookie 1
1. know the price of an item

2. See one show up much cheaper than the selling price

3. Relist very close to actual selling price in where you make a profit (how much profit depends on how much you want to relist the card for)

4. Rinse and repeat

5. If you can find multiple of a same card and you can successfully relist and get sold you now have a filter.


Rookie 3
1. know the price of an item

2. See one show up much cheaper than the selling price

3. Relist very close to actual selling price in where you make a profit (how much profit depends on how much you want to relist the card for)

4. Rinse and repeat

5. If you can find multiple of a same card and you can successfully relist and get sold you now have a filter.
Having a very hard time finding cheaper ones


Rookie 1
That’s because sniping is practically dead.. take it from me. I know my stuff lol
I wouldn't say that, filters don't last that long. The little time I spend on the AH I can snipe cards all day, its more the luck of the draw for me rather than looking for one particular card.


Pro 1
I wouldn't say that, filters don't last that long. The little time I spend on the AH I can snipe cards all day, its more the luck of the draw for me rather than looking for one particular card.
Depends on what your idea of profit margins are, in terms of high end sniping which is the area I’m only concerned about sniping is in a poor spot right now but not impossible to make money with.

Edit: I’ve used the same general filter for months, so I suppose my idea of sniping is somewhat dead. Not entirely sure about the others.


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