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Can I get 106 James Harden if i currently have 72k?


Rookie 3
I'm at 127k.. wonder if I need to invest in bird.. pretty sure I'll lose some coin..
Any suggestions...
Looks like you are averaging 23k to 25k a day and there’s 10k award points for 1k nba cash in case you will fall short, i think you are good without him unless you will complete all 3 with abilities.
Damn, I wish I had Magic and Bird. I'm at 95k now with neither of them so I assume I would have had Harden yesterday with them. Not sure if i wanna spend 3-4mil on Bird this late into the event.


All-Star 3
Looks like you are averaging 23k to 25k a day and there’s 10k award points for 1k nba cash in case you will fall short, i think you are good without him unless you will complete all 3 with abilities.
ya think got abt 28k yesterday.. think im on pace.. hope to get there...


All-Star 1
I'm at 127k.. wonder if I need to invest in bird.. pretty sure I'll lose some coin..
Any suggestions...
You can get Giannis without him. Just keep up your grind. I had to make up for my own stupidity. I will try to sell Bird with a day left for 1/2 or grind for the max and sell Giannis.


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