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Campaigns speculation

According to the Lead Content Designer for NBALM, Campaigns is going to be the biggest feature in S3.

Any speculation about what hey might involve? We've had campaigns in the game before as a series of live events where you were ultimately rewarded with a player. I assume they will be more involved than that.

Also, with Iverson being used in the promo material, what are the chances that he is a Classic Lineup Master this season?


Rookie 1
maybe you will receive token for each part of the campaigns and you will use it to unlock the campaign master(s).


Rookie 1
In FIFA mobile there are campaigns for each League.(Premier League, La Liga etc..) There are about 100 drills/matches(mostly matches) you have to complete to get a master for that campaign. But the thing is the last few campaigns are insanely hard and have requirements like win 500 H2H matches. The master cards are really good gamplay-wise.


Rookie 1

Some news regarding the Campaigns mode in the console version, maybe it'll give some insights on what the new feature might be (although it's very doubtful that it'll be anywhere near as in-depth)


Rookie 3
They can just improve the current season mode instead of adding a new more complex mode, like improving the rewards, opponents getting harder as you approach finals (bronze to silver players in regular season, golds to elite in playoffs then elites to plats in finals), then maybe reset it every two weeks or one month. They can also add sets for championship tokens, add in-game challenges, make the playoffs like best of 3, 5 or 7. Etc.Anyway, hope this new mode is not a cash grabbing one and is interesting.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

Some news regarding the Campaigns mode in the console version, maybe it'll give some insights on what the new feature might be (although it's very doubtful that it'll be anywhere near as in-depth)

I can guarantee it's not gonna be anything like because court battles are part of The One and in this game we don't create our own character to use and build up and we also don't build our own courts to defend in said court battles both of those seem way too much for them to put into this game either


Rookie 1

Some news regarding the Campaigns mode in the console version, maybe it'll give some insights on what the new feature might be (although it's very doubtful that it'll be anywhere near as in-depth)

I can guarantee it's not gonna be anything like because court battles are part of The One and in this game we don't create our own character to use and build up and we also don't build our own courts to defend in said court battles both of those seem way too much for them to put into this game either

Definitely agreed. What I meant was that perhaps NBALM will have a similar mechanic (a timed campaign with attacking and defending lineups?), my apologies for any misunderstanding. Seems like just a new version of Showdown though.

Come to think of it, this might finally be a use for the bench lineup...

All this is just speculation though, and we'll know when S3 releases at last :)


Rookie 3
in FIFA mobo there are many campaigns each campaign have a master there starting from 10 challenges it increases to 25-30 and after completing all the challenges you get a campaign master which is a really good player


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