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Buzzer beater fixed in sd


Rookie 3
Looks like it has fixed already and now will only activate in the last couple of seconds in sd quarter. Not sure if the fix came along the app update.


Rookie 1
It always works this way, when a new player comes out it's the last 30 seconds of the game. Then there is an update to change it back to the last 2 seconds.


Rookie 1
Uhmm, it's been wrong since the beginning of the season...
It changed when Harden was added and changed back to 30 seconds when we got NBA Masters. An update usually changes it back to 2 seconds instead of 30 seconds, I think adding new players to the game after the update allows them to have a 30 second timer instead of 2 seconds.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It changed when Harden was added and changed back to 30 seconds when we got NBA Masters. An update usually changes it back to 2 seconds instead of 30 seconds, I think adding new players to the game after the update allows them to have a 30 second timer instead of 2 seconds.
I'm pretty sure It was fixed a while ago but reverted back because it somehow caused clutch to be unlimited use in SD for the last 30 seconds then they fixed that issue I assume because I don't have any clutch players to know if they fixed the clutch glitch since the new update reintroduced the BB being at the end of the SD quarter


All-Star 1
I'm pretty sure It was fixed a while ago but reverted back because it somehow caused clutch to be unlimited use in SD for the last 30 seconds then they fixed that issue I assume because I don't have any clutch players to know if they fixed the clutch glitch since the new update reintroduced the BB being at the end of the SD quarter
Makes sense. Unlimited clutch has been gone for a while but this latest change seems to have it working as designed even with the extended SD quarter.


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