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Rookie 3
Staff member
Hey guys,

As you can appreciate we are still working on the forum, being a day or so old there are a number of motions to run through before we are completely stable.
If you pickup on any errors or bugs please either PM one of the Administrators so we can work them out ASAP.

Again, we thank you for your support.



All-Star 1
The 6k limit on avatars is tough to meet. I used Photoshop to compress mine but ultimately had to reduce size to half the limit to get it under 6k. Is there a trick I'm missing?


Rookie 2
The 6k limit on avatars is tough to meet. I used Photoshop to compress mine but ultimately had to reduce size to half the limit to get it under 6k. Is there a trick I'm missing?


On Photoshop, File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy), select either JPEG or PNG.
This one I made with 80x80 px size and 87 quality, you can mess around with either number for desired file size.


All-Star 1
The 6k limit on avatars is tough to meet. I used Photoshop to compress mine but ultimately had to reduce size to half the limit to get it under 6k. Is there a trick I'm missing?


On Photoshop, File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy), select either JPEG or PNG.
This one I made with 80x80 px size and 87 quality, you can mess around with either number for desired file size.

Thanks...after playing around with it for 15 min or so, I ended up using the one you made! Haha


Rookie 2
The main board is all glitchy on mobile when I used two different browsers (CM & Dolphin broswers - 2 most popular ones on the Play Store). It was much smoother when I used a very basic browser.
Here's how it looked:

Edit: works fine after the recent change.
Edit2: nevermind, it's back again. Makes the mobile site unusable.


Rookie 1
Some observations:
1. Fonts are unusually small, compared to any other forum (why?). There is no option in the user control panel to allow the user to change the font size.
2. The James Harden banner covers half my screen and won't go away.


Rookie 1
Some observations:
1. Fonts are unusually small, compared to any other forum (why?). There is no option in the user control panel to allow the user to change the font size.
2. The James Harden banner covers half my screen and won't go away.

my screen too and it looks like shit


Rookie 3
Staff member
Some observations:
1. Fonts are unusually small, compared to any other forum (why?). There is no option in the user control panel to allow the user to change the font size.
2. The James Harden banner covers half my screen and won't go away.

THanks Revride.

Working on a new theme at the moment, it's bugging out.

Will be all functional shortly.


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