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Brick Wall is broken


All-Star 1
You have to hold it?? Also noticed it not working for me but I've just been hitting it once like every other ability button.
Yeah, have to have your finger on it at all times. I just hold it like I would the Defend button and move him around inside the perimeter.

And although it may be "broken", plenty of times it's worked to my advantage bc AS will straight up swat it if you're close enough and sometimes the player will get blocked/miss while I'm holding down the button and it won't register as being used, so the next possession I get to use Brick Wall again.


Rookie 2
Does anyone feel when Anthony Davis is in play whether yours or opponent. Layups and dunks tend to miss for the opposing team? Even if you don't use the brick wall (brick wall sign not coming up for ai, or me not using it at all) fast breaks just misses when Davis is nearby. I have once missed 2 dunks and 1 layup even tho Anthony Davis is trailing from behind

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Does anyone feel when Anthony Davis is in play whether yours or opponent. Layups and dunks tend to miss for the opposing team? Even if you don't use the brick wall (brick wall sign not coming up for ai, or me not using it at all) fast breaks just misses when Davis is nearby. I have once missed 2 dunks and 1 layup even tho Anthony Davis is trailing from behind
Yep..for me it happens that opponent have 4-5 off reb in a row but cant score a layup even if i already activated brick wall,just AD to be there and that happens in 90% of the cases


Pro 1
Does anyone feel when Anthony Davis is in play whether yours or opponent. Layups and dunks tend to miss for the opposing team? Even if you don't use the brick wall (brick wall sign not coming up for ai, or me not using it at all) fast breaks just misses when Davis is nearby. I have once missed 2 dunks and 1 layup even tho Anthony Davis is trailing from behind
I've noticed missing quite a few layups lately but nothing related to AD. Will keep an eye for it...


Rookie 2
Thanks. Because if it happens to everyone I think I should build on AD so opponents will miss like 80 percent of layups.

I also have that offensive rebound thing where opponent misses. Rebounds. Loop. Until either he finally makes or I finally get the rebound.

And on my side I tend to miss open layups or dunks on the fast break. And this only happens when AD is in play and brick wall is full (but doesn't have to be activated )


Pro 2
Thanks. Because if it happens to everyone I think I should build on AD so opponents will miss like 80 percent of layups.

I also have that offensive rebound thing where opponent misses. Rebounds. Loop. Until either he finally makes or I finally get the rebound.

And on my side I tend to miss open layups or dunks on the fast break. And this only happens when AD is in play and brick wall is full (but doesn't have to be activated )
Don’t know how you are gonna make opponent miss 80% of layups when it only activates twice in a 2:30 quarter.

also, my experience is brick wall doesn’t stop dunks.

Personally, It is one of my least favorite X factors because it is so janky and unpredictable. I end up often giving up points I could have maybe prevented with tight D because a pass is made and I lose the brick wall Coverage. I basically limit its use to a last possession with time running out.


Rookie 2
Brick Wall IS Pretty TRASH because it is hard to activate it and it doesn't stop the shots sometimes

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Don’t know how you are gonna make opponent miss 80% of layups when it only activates twice in a 2:30 quarter.

also, my experience is brick wall doesn’t stop dunks.

Personally, It is one of my least favorite X factors because it is so janky and unpredictable. I end up often giving up points I could have maybe prevented with tight D because a pass is made and I lose the brick wall Coverage. I basically limit its use to a last possession with time running out.
You dont do it itself,is just one of "a lot of bugs" from EA,you cant do really anything to prevent this,just stand there typing the button to get the ball,you loose every rebound but your opponent dont score
In the begining i thought it is happening just to me then i asked my team mates they said the same thing,now this thread here...
Its a bug,its not that you can activate 2-3 times "brick wall"


Rookie 2
Activating brick wall is iffy at most. And opponent always gets rebounds.

What I'm noticing is the passive one. Layups and dunks misses once brick wall is full but not used. Just there.


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