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Boosted players???


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
That is because for a while the cards could get boosted overalls due to coach boosts then they got rid of it and with the new update they brought it back this isn't a glitch or cheat in case you were thinking that many cards are capable to getting their overalls boosted with the stat boosts the Tip Off coaches are the best for it because if you match 5 players to the style they get a +8 boost which is the case for Oladipo, Kawhi, Duncan, and Jokic from the steal boost given by Tip Off Brett Brown


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I didn't think it was a cheat was wondering if I missed something with new jerseys or something lmao

I only mentioned that it wasn't a cheat because sometimes people are quick to think anything other people do wlthat they don't is a cheat and I don't know your mindset so I had to make it known just in case you or anyone else thought that was the case


All-Star 1
I'm wondering if it went away or if it just wasn't displaying correctly. This could explain some of the OVR issues we've seen recently.


All-Star 1
I don't think it ever went away. I've had a 79 Eric Gordon that has shown as an 80 for like 2 months. Unless that card itself was glitched. Idk, it's EA, maybe it was


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm wondering if it went away or if it just wasn't displaying correctly. This could explain some of the OVR issues we've seen recently.

Visually it went away but it didn't go away in the cards which is why it was so easy to round up to a new overall number despite being short of the requirements when the boosted overalls weren't shown


All-Star 1
I'm wondering if it went away or if it just wasn't displaying correctly. This could explain some of the OVR issues we've seen recently.

Visually it went away but it didn't go away in the cards which is why it was so easy to round up to a new overall number despite being short of the requirements when the boosted overalls weren't shown

Yeah, that's what I thought. When an OVR total ends in 1 (or .1 divided by 10) and rounds up to the next OVR then you know something else is at play.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm wondering if it went away or if it just wasn't displaying correctly. This could explain some of the OVR issues we've seen recently.

Visually it went away but it didn't go away in the cards which is why it was so easy to round up to a new overall number despite being short of the requirements when the boosted overalls weren't shown

Yeah, that's what I thought. When an OVR total ends in 1 (or .1 divided by 10) and rounds up to the next OVR then you know something else is at play.

Yeah I think my best was when I was 85.0 but was at 86


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