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Boom - Da Klaw


Rookie 1

Luckiest moment I've had in 2 seasons and as a Raptors fan it's even better


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Rookie 1
Got him too, As an immigrant from the Philippines living in Northern Manitoba Canada for the last 12 years. I’m pumped


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Got him on both teams on my main it was after buying 1 500 cash pack and on my alt it was on the free pack


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Im so jealous! The rich get richer lol. He would have taken me 105ovr. So what does a 2 Buzzer beater look like??
It sucks it is basically Kyrie's clutch but on the other side of the court so where Kawhi hit his shot in real life not only did they make a 2pt clutch but now they have a 2pt BB in a specific zone that activates with 10 seconds left... So basically a clutch that takes 110 seconds instead of 90


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
my heart wants to try the 500 cash packs but my brain is like nahhh
That's honestly how I made most my coins this season especially with the AS legends which sold for max price the entire time of that promo whereas Kawhi is plummeting due to the free pack
That 2pt BB is pretty stupid. Like the 2pt clutch, you should be able to use it twice (for example, in the last 24 seconds), but this would go against the meaning of Buzzer Beater.
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It sucks it is basically Kyrie's clutch but on the other side of the court so where Kawhi hit his shot in real life not only did they make a 2pt clutch but now they have a 2pt BB in a specific zone that activates with 10 seconds left... So basically a clutch that takes 110 seconds instead of 90
Oh man! I wish they never messed with it. So what happens if your inbounding with 5 or less seconds left and can't get to the zone in time, wasted BB! I think from now on I'll only get BBs for PGs since I can use it even with 2 seconds left.


Rookie 1
Bought him for 1. 1 M, his B.B. Clutch is not useful, bec. I have BB Lillard and B.B. Booker...

3 BB’s in 1 Line Up

but I love Kawhi and still the highest ovr in AH right now


Pro 2
I got him too 1st BoB pull. I don’t care about the 2pt clutch. I think I play better when I’m not thinking about the gimmick shots, except it’s just smart to set up a regular BB to finish off a drive. But that’s a time management thing.

IMO this is the best card in the game. The combo of speed/agility/ plus shot ratings plus contested plus def (On Ball/block/steal) are hard to beat. I got Beal and he is sitting on bench. I think a lot of people already Melo and sold him in ah. Big mistake IMO. Think this card is the best of the campaign (tho technically not a Second Chance Card it qualifies).


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