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Bonus Packs


Rookie 1
Kept stacking them hopefully there's a token based promo before the end of the season where they may come in handy.
Oh what fun it will be opening hundreds of them....


Rookie 2
Seems like EA has had enough of this trick.
I have more that 120 packs & counting, but not sure if this strategy will justify itself in the long run...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Seems like EA has had enough of this trick.
I have more that 120 packs & counting, but not sure if this strategy will justify itself in the long run...
Even if they never become useful to actually open again I would rather leave them in my inventory than open a pack for a bronze player


Rookie 1
Seems like EA has had enough of this trick.
I have more that 120 packs & counting, but not sure if this strategy will justify itself in the long run...
You could open bonus packs for Lillard collectibles, I opened over 100 making it very easy to get the ability version.


Rookie 1
This situation isn’t new. I can’t remember when earlier this season but the did the same thing. It had collectibles. Then a promo or campaign ended and it went back to silvers. Then another promo started and a few days in the bonus packs had collectibles again. I think the next two round of playoffs, one of those promos/campaigns will give collectibles again. If not, there’s always the summer stuff that could have collectibles. I’m keeping mine for now


Rookie 1
This situation isn’t new. I can’t remember when earlier this season but the did the same thing. It had collectibles. Then a promo or campaign ended and it went back to silvers. Then another promo started and a few days in the bonus packs had collectibles again. I think the next two round of playoffs, one of those promos/campaigns will give collectibles again. If not, there’s always the summer stuff that could have collectibles. I’m keeping mine for now
I am too. I have over 100 so I’ll be happy to wait a little more till there is better use.


Rookie 1
I have over 180 unopened. My guess is the next playoff round or finals will have either collectibles or players in it. Who knows. I'm tired of keeping them though, but I hope that not opening them pays off at some point.


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