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Black Monday


Rookie 1
Steal is a great boost this year. I think it has to be a steal boost. For me if the card is 101 or 102 and can boost to 103, and has +2 steal, that's about what I expected.

It definitely could be worse then that imo. But I can't see it being better.


Rookie 1
Am I the only one who can't get the B-side- AI connection? Do I need to retake my nba history classes or what?


All-Star 1
It may have no correlation. First token was Record. 2nd token says B-Side, like side 2 of a Record. Maybe that was just literal and not a clue regarding the player.
Iverson holds the record for most steals in a playoffs game.

BTW, sold my 30 b-side tokens for 70k each one during the first 30 minutes.



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welp I was about the color scheme of the B-side token being correct and representative of who the player would be


Rookie 1
Iverson holds the record for most steals in a playoffs game.

BTW, sold my 30 b-side tokens for 70k each one during the first 30 minutes.

Same. I sold them for 65-60K and got almost 2M in 4h... so, buying cheap ones for Stockton was good idea cuz now I have 101(2) JS (awesome card, will be good for bench soon with +2 pass team boost), it cost me less than I got from b-sde tokens today and we still have 2 weeks to get more b-side tokens.


Rookie 1
How much will you sell b side tokens now ? Im stuck with 25 of them
I sold mines for 45k this morning, the prices should continue to drop. It makes more sense selling the collectibles rather than trying to max out the player. Just make a free SG in the next promo and keep your profit.
In my AH, prices are 22k/45k right now for the b side tokens. I think 45k is the floor price but i'm not sure.
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