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Black Friday is here! Best ways to use BF tickets? [full breakdown added]


Rookie 1
What do you guys think about the BF sets?
I'm not too keen on the old promo sets...
Tourney set is nice way to speed up but I should be on track to get 89 curry just by grinding
Is the 500 tickets for 90 ovr doable?
How would you guys use the BF tickets?
Wonder what will come on Cyber Monday...

Edit: after asking all those questions, I've done the math...
  • Grind food drives and use BF tickets to buy tourney tokens
  • If you'd like to spend some cash, buy BF packs directly. Next best thing to do is buying stamina refill (assume your full stamina is 300+)
  • Harvest Boost Special is also a pretty good deal
Full breakdown below (hope I've got the math right) :lol: :

Stamina costs and BF costs for tourney and food tokens respectively (non-first wins; and assume you do Kezar all the time):

Like @betaman411 said:
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Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

All good questions.

If you keep 100 for the 90 Curry (provided you get the 89 of course) then do you buy more tokens for rep and or coins to get bf players or use the tokens to get tourney tokens and possible turkey/potato/pumpkin if they put that set in to speed up harvest masters??? Hmmm


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Yeah I wanna get Tatum but grinding the food tokens one at a time is so depressing.

Hope there would be BF sets for the food tokens...


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Insufficient token to grind CJ, hope my wishlist only turn up on Sunday or Monday tranches


Rookie 2
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

I'm going for 90 overall Clint now.

I guess I'll have enough BF tokens later in the day.

Was able to buy BF tokens using rep before the maintenance.


All-Star 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Yeah I wanna get Tatum but grinding the food tokens one at a time is so depressing.

Hope there would be BF sets for the food tokens...

Well there is a set - 30 BF tokens for a Harvest Drive Pack. When you compare that to the 50 Tourney Tokens for 35 BF tokens, it?s not hard to figure out which side of the promo EA doesn?t want F2P?s to finish!


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Perhaps juz save the BF tokens for the 90 ovr directly


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

BF for tourney tokens to get 89 Curry while still grinding for Tatum.


All-Star 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Yeah I wanna get Tatum but grinding the food tokens one at a time is so depressing.

Hope there would be BF sets for the food tokens...

Well there is a set - 30 BF tokens for a Harvest Drive Pack. When you compare that to the 50 Tourney Tokens for 35 BF tokens, it?s not hard to figure out which side of the promo EA doesn?t want F2P?s to finish!
What exactly is the 250 token Harvest Double Bundle? Is it 5 of each Harvest pack plus an +80 Harvest topper?


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Yeah I wanna get Tatum but grinding the food tokens one at a time is so depressing.

Hope there would be BF sets for the food tokens...

Well there is a set - 30 BF tokens for a Harvest Drive Pack. When you compare that to the 50 Tourney Tokens for 35 BF tokens, it?s not hard to figure out which side of the promo EA doesn?t want F2P?s to finish!
What exactly is the 250 token Harvest Double Bundle? Is it 5 of each Harvest pack plus an +80 Harvest topper?

My best guess is it's both bundles (Tourney and Drive) from the store, which would include the topper for each as well as 25 gold+ players and 65 BF tickets. Has anyone bought it?


All-Star 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Well there is a set - 30 BF tokens for a Harvest Drive Pack. When you compare that to the 50 Tourney Tokens for 35 BF tokens, it?s not hard to figure out which side of the promo EA doesn?t want F2P?s to finish!
What exactly is the 250 token Harvest Double Bundle? Is it 5 of each Harvest pack plus an +80 Harvest topper?

My best guess is it's both bundles (Tourney and Drive) from the store, which would include the topper for each as well as 25 gold+ players and 65 BF tickets. Has anyone bought it?
My guess is you don?t get the individual toppers or the BF tickets but I could be wrong.
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

^^ I believe the topper is just a 80+ player. You don't get any BF tokens like buying from the store. They want you to use more tokens for that.


Rookie 2
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

I hope that they keep up with the 90- player sets. I feel compelled to buy 90 McCollum today in case the later 90s are taken away or the new ones aren't as good.


All-Star 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

I hope that they keep up with the 90- player sets. I feel compelled to buy 90 McCollum today in case the later 90s are taken away or the new ones aren't as good.

I?m still debating what to do. I have enough tokens for CJ and since we can now increase Elevates like Westbrook, Blake, Ingram and Whiteside, a lot of the other positions are less desirable. I?ll have Tatum, Curry (90) and CJ from this promo if I pull the trigger. Not a bad haul...


Rookie 1
Re: Black Friday is here! Best ways to use the BF tickets?

Yeah I wanna get Tatum but grinding the food tokens one at a time is so depressing.

Hope there would be BF sets for the food tokens...

Well there is a set - 30 BF tokens for a Harvest Drive Pack. When you compare that to the 50 Tourney Tokens for 35 BF tokens, it?s not hard to figure out which side of the promo EA doesn?t want F2P?s to finish!

Where/when did you see the set for a harvest drive pack? I've only seen the tourney pack. Maybe I slept through it?
If you have 300 or less BF tokens and haven't finished 89 curry then I suggest people use them for tourney tokens. Ended up completing Tatum just by grinding then used all my BF tokens for Curry, now all I need is about 100 more tourney tokens.


All-Star 1
Which 90?s BF player does everyone want? I?m still sitting on my 500 while I build another 100. I passed on CJ yesterday but thinking about Jokic today. I?m also thinking of selling any player high and buying a player I want low. Thoughts?

Edit: Moved question here:


All-Star 3
Which 90?s BF player does everyone want? I?m still sitting on my 500 while I build another 100. I passed on CJ yesterday but thinking about Jokic today. I?m also thinking of selling any player high and buying a player I want low. Thoughts?

Edit: Moved question here:

Do u want any of the bf players?
Jokic seems to be a good choice..


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