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Black Friday 90 Ovr, which one you choose to grind?


Pro 1
I'm still not sure how to spend my BF token.
Just completed all items for Mutombo/Tatum but not decided who to claim...
I have about 400 BF token. Still need 370 tourney token for 89 Curry. If it's true that we can trade in 89 curry + 100 BF for a 90 Curry i will probably go fo for 90 Curry.

+1 (just a little more tokens, but not much)

I?m thinking of getting both Mutombo and Tatum (build one; buy the other) but the prices keep dropping so, as allways, it?s wiser to wait.

Should be able to get a 90 BF but, since they?re so expensive, it?s probably better to sell now and re-buy later. Which one should I get in order to get the most coins for?
I'm still not sure how to spend my BF token.
Just completed all items for Mutombo/Tatum but not decided who to claim...
I have about 400 BF token. Still need 370 tourney token for 89 Curry. If it's true that we can trade in 89 curry + 100 BF for a 90 Curry i will probably go fo for 90 Curry.

+1 (just a little more tokens, but not much)

I?m thinking of getting both Mutombo and Tatum (build one; buy the other) but the prices keep dropping so, as allways, it?s wiser to wait.

Should be able to get a 90 BF but, since they?re so expensive, it?s probably better to sell now and re-buy later. Which one should I get in order to get the most coins for?

Kawhi is the best player, but there are a lot in the AH & the prices are not that high because of that.


Rookie 1
Also I have arrived at almost 600, 100 for curry, the others for a 90 to sell, which would earn more coins? Kawhi or wait for oladipo


All-Star 3
Also I have arrived at almost 600, 100 for curry, the others for a 90 to sell, which would earn more coins? Kawhi or wait for oladipo
I dont think either will sell more than the first 2 days cards bcz most people will be able to complete one or the other


All-Star 1
Oladipo is super quick & agile, seemingly much faster than anyone else on the court. Loving him so far. Make one dribble move & hit the Sprint button.... nobody stopping him from getting to the rack


All-Star 3
Who do you guys think will have the highest AH value from today forward? Sitting on my 500 now trying to decide who to get and sell and possibly buy back later for less.

What did u end up doing...
90 curry 90 oladipo and 89 tatum done
86 deng and unseld, 83 noah and Smith
Easily best promo i have done.. that too with minimal coin spent.
Contemplating building houston now or grinding Black Friday tokens. Anyone, suggestions?


Rookie 1
does anyone know when exactly the BF promo is going to end? the sets and packs say one day but the campaign shows 2 days..


All-Star 1
Who do you guys think will have the highest AH value from today forward? Sitting on my 500 now trying to decide who to get and sell and possibly buy back later for less.

What did u end up doing...
90 curry 90 oladipo and 89 tatum done
86 deng and unseld, 83 noah and Smith
Easily best promo i have done.. that too with minimal coin spent.
Contemplating building houston now or grinding Black Friday tokens. Anyone, suggestions?

Built and sold Jokic for 2.245M. I have 89 Curry right now with the tokens to build him plus another 180 tokens. I built Noah, Steve Smith, Luol Deng and Porter to make Tatum. Might be able to build Unseld (for sure Faried) before promo ends.

I'm torn between building out the other Harvest 83/86's or grinding BF (EDIT: because Harvest players also reward BF tokens). Right now, if the best pack is 10 Legend tokens then I may just spend what I have on it and finish those Harvest players to round out my other lineups. I was hoping there might be more ways to get BF tokens today...sadly it doesn't seem so despite what the promo advertises.


Rookie 1
90 curry + 84 KT + 89 Tatum + 86 Ibaka + 90 McGee
Collecting BF to wait for next 82Ovr Elevate event to grind Hayward (not sure will the event come back again)


Rookie 1
83 Curry+ 86 Unseld + 86 Porter + 83 Faried and Smith + 89 Tatum + BF Oladipo
Grinding BF tokens so I can use it on some sets that will help like Legends or Elevate


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