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Betaman411's Franchise


All-Star 1
Still rocking that 98 Lebron I see.. still loving it?

Haha, I know right. My problem with my NBA lineup is that once you account for the 4 clutch shots, there's not a lot of love left for everyone else. LBJ (or any PF for that matter) gets the initial possession when I'm the higher OVR (either a driving layup or 3 from top of the key) and then there's about 2-3 additional possessions depending on steals which mainly happen with Simmons. What I still like about LBJ though is that he's relatively quick for the position and gets a fair amount of steals (so great for fastbreaks). Rebounding is meh but I don't notice a large number of missed defensive rebounds so he's functional on the boards as well.

Obviously, he's on my short list to upgrade since he's my lowest OVR and doesn't provide any boost. I just don't have the coin to keep making these incremental improvements (i.e. from 99 to 100 to 101 etc). I think I'm going to have to let a few upgrades pass and then make a move for 105. it's just too expensive to train these 101's and 102's. I'd planned on using the SD Plats as bench players (or starters depending on position) but that's been a relatively slow grind. I'm still about 10 shards away from my first player as I haven't used the re-roll yet. The good news is that I have about the same number of shards for every player. I'll play to Legend status again this season and see how I'm doing and reassess. The Legend pack at season end was pretty good again this season as far as shards.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Still rocking that 98 Lebron I see.. still loving it?

Haha, I know right. My problem with my NBA lineup is that once you account for the 4 clutch shots, there's not a lot of love left for everyone else. LBJ (or any PF for that matter) gets the initial possession when I'm the higher OVR (either a driving layup or 3 from top of the key) and then there's about 2-3 additional possessions depending on steals which mainly happen with Simmons. What I still like about LBJ though is that he's relatively quick for the position and gets a fair amount of steals (so great for fastbreaks). Rebounding is meh but I don't notice a large number of missed defensive rebounds so he's functional on the boards as well.

Obviously, he's on my short list to upgrade since he's my lowest OVR and doesn't provide any boost. I just don't have the coin to keep making these incremental improvements (i.e. from 99 to 100 to 101 etc). I think I'm going to have to let a few upgrades pass and then make a move for 105. it's just too expensive to train these 101's and 102's. I'd planned on using the SD Plats as bench players (or starters depending on position) but that's been a relatively slow grind. I'm still about 10 shards away from my first player as I haven't used the re-roll yet. The good news is that I have about the same number of shards for every player. I'll play to Legend status again this season and see how I'm doing and reassess. The Legend pack at season end was pretty good again this season as far as shards.

I feel you there man, I find it hard to give love to anyone else and I'm on 3 clutch shots - I'm using David West UL maxed out and he does the trick for me... good with his 3's too.

Did you end up using those shards for the 105 AD? That might be a good way to bump OVR.

Wish I did the same but I've re-rolled so many to get DJ....


All-Star 1
Still rocking that 98 Lebron I see.. still loving it?

Haha, I know right. My problem with my NBA lineup is that once you account for the 4 clutch shots, there's not a lot of love left for everyone else. LBJ (or any PF for that matter) gets the initial possession when I'm the higher OVR (either a driving layup or 3 from top of the key) and then there's about 2-3 additional possessions depending on steals which mainly happen with Simmons. What I still like about LBJ though is that he's relatively quick for the position and gets a fair amount of steals (so great for fastbreaks). Rebounding is meh but I don't notice a large number of missed defensive rebounds so he's functional on the boards as well.

Obviously, he's on my short list to upgrade since he's my lowest OVR and doesn't provide any boost. I just don't have the coin to keep making these incremental improvements (i.e. from 99 to 100 to 101 etc). I think I'm going to have to let a few upgrades pass and then make a move for 105. it's just too expensive to train these 101's and 102's. I'd planned on using the SD Plats as bench players (or starters depending on position) but that's been a relatively slow grind. I'm still about 10 shards away from my first player as I haven't used the re-roll yet. The good news is that I have about the same number of shards for every player. I'll play to Legend status again this season and see how I'm doing and reassess. The Legend pack at season end was pretty good again this season as far as shards.

I feel you there man, I find it hard to give love to anyone else and I'm on 3 clutch shots - I'm using David West UL maxed out and he does the trick for me... good with his 3's too.

Did you end up using those shards for the 105 AD? That might be a good way to bump OVR.

Wish I did the same but I've re-rolled so many to get DJ....
That?s my plan, just waiting to finish Legend tier to decide which shards I?m going to use.


All-Star 1
I feel you there man, I find it hard to give love to anyone else and I'm on 3 clutch shots - I'm using David West UL maxed out and he does the trick for me... good with his 3's too.

Did you end up using those shards for the 105 AD? That might be a good way to bump OVR.

Wish I did the same but I've re-rolled so many to get DJ....
That?s my plan, just waiting to finish Legend tier to decide which shards I?m going to use.
Ok, so a couple updates:
Turned in some of my Erving and Lowry shards to get 105 AD. Then I rerolled the remaining ones and got Kemp for my Classic bench plus a few DJ shards. Kinda BS that I rolled two Erving shards at a time and managed to get one Erving back several times. I also added 105 Peja and pulled 105 Francis in the Plat set. Tried starting Francis but wasn?t as good as Hornacek on offense. I also have Lillard shown starting because this is my highest OVR combination but I still play SD and lvl with Simmons. Finally, I trained Durant another level or two since my last update. Not sure it?s worth the coins or TP to max him (over 4.3M)


All-Star 3
Teams looking good..I ended up with Kemp, Hayward and Jordan.. hoping to get enuf shards to finish AD but don't think it will happen . Wish they had some rep shard packs in the store


All-Star 1
Teams looking good..I ended up with Kemp, Hayward and Jordan.. hoping to get enuf shards to finish AD but don't think it will happen . Wish they had some rep shard packs in the store
Thanks! I know it sucks about the shards. They are the one thing I kept the entire time until now. Wish I could say the same about the League Tokens. My League is Top 60 right now and I'm going to be well short of the 100 tokens needed. Don't ask me why I felt compelled to complete the Doc Rivers set... :roll:


All-Star 3
Teams looking good..I ended up with Kemp, Hayward and Jordan.. hoping to get enuf shards to finish AD but don't think it will happen . Wish they had some rep shard packs in the store
Thanks! I know it sucks about the shards. They are the one thing I kept the entire time until now. Wish I could say the same about the League Tokens. My League is Top 60 right now and I'm going to be well short of the 100 tokens needed. Don't ask me why I felt compelled to complete the Doc Rivers set... :roll:
I kept everything except the shards.. lol.. thought the chances of me completing five was zero and figured rerollokg would get me 3 at least.. hence went ahead..
Completed j will and mourning today.. if I can earn some coin Kyrie will be the one I can complete I guess


All-Star 1
Teams looking good..I ended up with Kemp, Hayward and Jordan.. hoping to get enuf shards to finish AD but don't think it will happen . Wish they had some rep shard packs in the store
Thanks! I know it sucks about the shards. They are the one thing I kept the entire time until now. Wish I could say the same about the League Tokens. My League is Top 60 right now and I'm going to be well short of the 100 tokens needed. Don't ask me why I felt compelled to complete the Doc Rivers set... :roll:
I kept everything except the shards.. lol.. thought the chances of me completing five was zero and figured rerollokg would get me 3 at least.. hence went ahead..
Completed j will and mourning today.. if I can earn some coin Kyrie will be the one I can complete I guess

Well, if they start dropping two Live Event cards per day it won't be so unreasonable to get Kyrie now. I said I wasn't going to chase OVR this year (because it was a waste last year in these final weeks) but here I am again trying to figure out how I can get 107 Harden! Haha


All-Star 3
my nba lineup is really lagging to my classic..
Think I will end up at 102/3 this season.. assuming no crazy packs in store in last week


All-Star 1
Final lineup posted. I didn?t manage the last few days of this season very well so I fell short of my 105/105 goal. Some crazy rounding allows me to keep Royalty LBJ on my NBA bench. For my Classic lineup I decided to keep only retired players.

I still have Legacy Dirk...debating whether I keep him and drop NBA to 103 (104 total) or leave as-is?!


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