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Best SF you have used


Pro 1
Spaceball KD is decent for AI because he tends to block shots more than any other SF I’ve encountered but he had streaky gameplay. Penny looks promising on manual but I won’t try him until his price continues to drop.

GT LeBron snapped my SF curse of inconsistency. Card shot the lights out in his brief stint in my starting lineup. He now resides on the bench.


Rookie 3
106 Paul George never really did it for me, neither did 106 Kawhi. I really liked 105 LeBron, but 107 McGrady is by far my most reliable shooter at SF.


All-Star 1
Ghost KD is my favorite SF so far this season. Nobody else has come close but I'm about to ditch him for MVP Kawhi.


Rookie 2
106 Paul George never really did it for me, neither did 106 Kawhi. I really liked 105 LeBron, but 107 McGrady is by far my most reliable shooter at SF.

Yeah T-mac is working for me too.
#2- Kawhi ovr 106 (D)
#3- Kawhi ovr 105 (S)
#4- PG ovr 106(D)

Joe Ingles SD ovr 105 is good enough on S bench for his steal stats n fan boost; I hardly play him regularly tho coz he's not speedy enough nor has enuff lateral quickness.

All the other T-mac, Kawhi, PG cards above can beat his D easily
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