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Best PG you've tried


Rookie 1
I've started playing NBALM for like 6 days after not playing since the 18 version ended, and I need some advice.
I'm currently using 96 UA Curry but ironically seems to be missing loads of 3pt even when open, and makes me want to replace him.
What do you reckon is the best PG you've tried for basically under a million ?

101 Westbrook and 102 Murray are the 2 main favorites so far because they have pretty much perfect stats everywhere, but 100 Simmons is really tempting because I used him the whole year in NBALM 18 and he was insane, and having tried his 84 card this year he still feels amazing and has a seriously better 3pt than Steph so I can't imagine how the 100 would feel.

My team could use some improvement as well (currently using 98 Oladipo, 97 Bogdanovic, 96 Harris and 88 Ed Davis, SF and PF being untradable) so idk how much I should spend on my PG. I have 250k atm but 103 Carmelo Anthony currently selling so I'd be looking at around 720k + a few players I have in my...
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Pro 1
Just keep grinding UAR Curry, his 102+ dominates on manual but does have a weak AI. He may be a bit pricey, but BB Lillard is great all around.


All-Star 1
Just keep grinding UAR Curry, his 102+ dominates on manual but does have a weak AI. He may be a bit pricey, but BB Lillard is great all around.
I’m kind of bummed about his AI. I haven’t faced a lot of 104’s so I was holding out hope he might be better than his 102/103. I’ve got BB Lillard for now.


Rookie 1
Yeah murray 102 ovrl and westbrook 101 ovrl is the right choice for PG but if kyrie irving 103 ovrl can be auctioned, you better choose him, he incredible.
but outside of them for the point guard position i recommend players like 100 ovrl simmons (high flyers edition) he's a player with incredible dunk even though 3pt is normal but enough to splash.
Kemba Walker 101 ovrl (Mobile Madness Event) he's quite promising in both shots, inside and outside.
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Rookie 1
I'll just respond to all the messages at once, it's easier but thanks a lot everyone, really helps

Yeah it was the high flying Simmons I was thinking about
Lillard had also caught my attention but he just seemed like a slightly worse and shorter version of Murray
Kemba is quite slow and I seem to have a weird shot selection meaning that he'd get blocked way too often
I'll keep grinding Curry because he's free but like he really seems inconsistent, I've gone back to 84 Simmons in the main lineup, he is miles better for me
103 Kyrie is also quite short and Westbrook, Simmons and Murray can also be auctioned so no big deal there
94 Sexton might be a little worse than all the previous suggestions, I might as well use Curry who's free
I'm still don't really know who I'm gonna get, I guess I'll just try them all and figure it out


Rookie 1
I hated Lillard by the time I maxed him out and been sitting on the bench for quite some time but since I can't beat those 104ovr on LvL I gave it a try again coz of the BB and I'm loving it now his shots are falling now and a lil bit streaky. Maybe EA adjusted something? 😁


Rookie 1
I tried Kidd, didn't like him so I stuck with Curry for now because I wanted to improve other areas first so I bought 103 Melo and 103 Moses Malone. I currently have around 500k and I'm not sure if I should improve Tobias Harris or Curry (who will become a 102 tomorrow).
What do you guys reckon I should do ?
I really like UA Curry. I don't give a crap about how his AI plays since it depends on the OVR advantage and the randomized quarters. He is pretty much a juiced version of Harvest Curry, who was one of the best pgs all season. The big difference is that UA Curry can dunk.

On my alt, I'm using Kyrie. He's been great as you would expect from a Kyrie card. I did use Lillard and Murray for a while (non-boost/non-ability) and they were solid. The only recent pg I didn't like was MM Westbrook.

No matter who you pick, EA will release a new pg in no time flat. That has been the story of the season so far.


Rookie 1
I tried Kidd, didn't like him so I stuck with Curry for now because I wanted to improve other areas first so I bought 103 Melo and 103 Moses Malone. I currently have around 500k and I'm not sure if I should improve Tobias Harris or Curry (who will become a 102 tomorrow).
What do you guys reckon I should do ?
Kidd's AI sometimes lit depending on the matchups.


All-Star 3
Curry seemed fine on manual....
Murray was decent..
Best i used was 101 magic as i could get steals with him at a decent rate and his 3 ball was decent too


Rookie 1
Consider VanVleet (he's a green light defender against every point guard out there) , before him Kidd was my go to.

Once I max Curry I will likely use him for manual, but definitely sub him for AI.


Rookie 1
Curry seemed fine on manual....
Murray was decent..
Best i used was 101 magic as i could get steals with him at a decent rate and his 3 ball was decent too

Murray or Dame is better in manual. Curry sometimes chokes even 3s stat are up to 116 yet misses shots with good release then open unlike the other 2.


Rookie 1
Gotta admit, I’m a 102 ovr and I’m still stuck with my 100 OVR golfer curry. Still way better than the UA curry, the golfer curry is so consistent at corner 3s and he’s amazing at stealing.


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