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Best PG right now: Kyrie 87, Scary Terry 87 or DRose 86, Curry 85?

Tip-Off Isiah Thomas was the best pg I played against this week. SD Curry was also good.

Rose and Scary Terry were good but not as good as Simmons and CP3.


All-Star 3
Best AI i faced was tip off isiah too.. simmons is tough to steal from but usually limited in offence
Manual play .. if ur looking to be competitive in lvl and sd i find Simmons the best to control ur ai performance. But if u just want to put up threes.. 85 curry/87 terry/86 rose or Isiah/85 cp3.
Of the lot cp3 might be the best bang for ur coin if u have limited coin


All-Star 1
You guys are crazy. I benched Simmons for 85 Westbrook last tourney. Best move I've ever made. My AI differentials improved siginficantly and RB was way more active. I will say that I noticed Simmons AI during this tourney so maybe they tweaked him? I honestly felt that Thomas wasn't great against me and the toughest part of playing against him was preventing him from driving. Once I figured that out, he never really gave me any issue. I thought Rose was decent and Terry was average at best. Chris Paul was a complete waste against me and I loved his matchups most. I didn't face many 85 Westbrooks, mostly 84's but seemed evenly matched when I did.

In general, Wilt was the biggest issue for me in SD. Rebounded everything and scored at "wilt".


Rookie 1
From my point of view

Toughest all around PG AI to play against is Terry hard to steal from and he don?t miss.

Toughest to steal from Simmons

Everyone else is easy to defend and steal from

My personal choice to play with is Terry he?s been most consistent for me all around and I have Kyre on ah now have Westbrook and it.
Me and a league mate did a small experiment and realized just how important PG playmaking is for team A.I. We played each other with different sets of PGs, 2 with lower playmaking stats and 2 with high playmaking with the rest of the team staying the same. What we realized is that the A.i plays incredibly well when a PG with high playmaking is used. With the 2 PGs with lower playmaking his A.I couldn't score more than 6 points and vice versa but once we switched to the 2 PGs with higher playmaking our A.I was scoring 9-11 points and it was noticeably harder to go against them.

In regards to the main question I'd go with Rozier or Kyrie. Here they are when you compare stats


All-Star 3
Me and a league mate did a small experiment and realized just how important PG playmaking is for team A.I. We played each other with different sets of PGs, 2 with lower playmaking stats and 2 with high playmaking with the rest of the team staying the same. What we realized is that the A.i plays incredibly well when a PG with high playmaking is used. With the 2 PGs with lower playmaking his A.I couldn't score more than 6 points and vice versa but once we switched to the 2 PGs with higher playmaking our A.I was scoring 9-11 points and it was noticeably harder to go against them.

In regards to the main question I'd go with Rozier or Kyrie. Here they are when you compare stats
Thats an interesting observation.. do we dare give credit to EA for actually doing something smart..


All-Star 1
I'm wondering if I should sell Kyrie & buy Rozier. Might cost me a little. They're pretty similar and but Rozier seems tough every time I've played against him and I'd like some good AI on my side. Anybody played Kyrie multiple times yet? Think I should keep him or get Tery?


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