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Best PF on BF 90's


Rookie 1
In your view, what's the best PF in BF 90's players, Griffin, Green or Gordon?

My team now is: Curry 90, Allen 88, Tatum 89, Davis 87, Ewing 88
Bench: Thomas 86, Williams 87 (then Houston 86), Deng 86, Griffin 85, Chamberlain 86 or Unseld 86



Rookie 1
Griffin imo and his cards always play great

Thanks for the advice.
End up trading for Legend tokens, and on that process got Ewing, Allen and Robinson, plus 160 tokens, for 3 future Legends (already had around 50 legend tokens)...
Then sold Ewing and Allen, bought Oladipo and saved some money. Robinson is now a sub on my team...

Regarding Griffin, i'm going for the Elevate one...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Griffin imo and his cards always play great

Thanks for the advice.
End up trading for Legend tokens, and on that process got Ewing, Allen and Robinson, plus 160 tokens, for 3 future Legends (already had around 50 legend tokens)...
Then sold Ewing and Allen, bought Oladipo and saved some money. Robinson is now a sub on my team...

Regarding Griffin, i'm going for the Elevate one...

Imo you made the better choice I just answered what was asked the 90 BF sets are only useful to make coins because they're all too rich for 1 player


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