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Best NBA SF under 4 mil?


Rookie 1
I have 4m currently, and 5 int. players that i invested in but nvm... i wanna hear some suggestions who should i get as my starting sf? I had 98 sd kawhi and 97 OG Annouby, neither of them were good for me coz i shoot a lot of 3s and supisingly neither of them imprressed me with shooting, or anything tbh.. Im thinking of getting lunar ny KD, how he plays for u guys? Or should i maybe wait for the next promo and see if there will be any good sf's?


All-Star 3
Re: Best nba sf?

93 mvp nominee lebron is good..

Not worth spending so much in durant.. he is good and he has a boost too

But if u just want to shoot 3s might be best to try out 96 peja . ..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Get 93 LeBron and if you have the extra TP around then max it and move on because with 4 mil it's not wise to get a multimillion coin card

I also changed your title to reflect that you were asking about the best NBA SF under a certain price range and not as a whole


Rookie 1
Re: Best nba sf?

I have LNY Durant (Balanced) he's great on manual, especially his shooting. He has a really quick release, and he's clutch on 3's for someone his size. I don't think he's worth the 3 mill I paid for him (I just wanted this specific card) so you should probably just wait for new SF's to come out, or just wait for price drops


Rookie 1
Easy, Royalty LeBron, FREE! (if you really have the patience or time)

But aside from that the 93 Awards LeBron has quite a few stats better than the Royalty Version, which I'm keeping due to it being a reminder of my own grinding and as a trophy. The 93 is well under 4 mill


Rookie 1
@Antadoc, ty dor advice, but i dont like the,fact that he is 93 with no boosts..
@Stewie, alright man, and thank u for changimg it coy there is a lot of great sf'sgoing for 10+ mil :D
@Book_gazete, cmon man dontget me started on that rigged ass live event... played it over 500 times since it came out, and couldnt get a freacking celtics token, im not touching that live event ever again.


Rookie 1
Obviously, everything is in context of your present OVR. The 93 Lebron is an outstanding card for what it costs. I have Royalty Lebron at lvl 3 and truthfully I don't use him much for anything but his clutch. He is OK at threes but is starting to miss more frequently. My other players shoot threes better than him it seems.

I have played a few showdowns against the 93 card trained up to 98 and at that level the stats are outstanding, and the AI is very good as well. If I didn't already have Royalty I would probably get the 93 card and train it up right away.


Rookie 2
Re: Best nba sf?

I have LNY Durant (Balanced) he's great on manual, especially his shooting. He has a really quick release, and he's clutch on 3's for someone his size. I don't think he's worth the 3 mill I paid for him (I just wanted this specific card) so you should probably just wait for new SF's to come out, or just wait for price drops

KD LNY is pretty good. But my playoff moment LeBron is still decent and I am nowhere near getting Royalty Lebron.

I am still hoping to upgrade my SF with a better card in the future before the reset in Oct.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I believe the 93 Lebron is an easy choice... his AI is great too.. If I didn't have Royalty i'd be using this card.

Edit: Obviously maxed out.


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