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Bench players?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Both the highest overall with boost because there are many players near the highest overall for their position and having the boost helps them and the 9 other players jump up as much as +2 in overall so it Bridges the gap in overall


Rookie 2
I think I know what you mean. You are asking is it better to have a 105 or a 104 with team boost for your bench players, right?

If so, the answer is higher OVR IFFFFFFFF it gets you a higher AI score. For example, if changing your bench SG and SF get you from a 104 to a 105 you should always do that. The higher overall is huge at this point in the season. I am a 106 and I will destroy a 104 or 105. Playing a 106 is notably more fair of a match.

However, if you would be 104 no matter who is on your bench, then you would want the 104 with bench boost. I find the best bench boosts this season are on ball defense and block.


Rookie 1
OVR matters more that's boosts, I think you would want a nice balance. I would try to get to the max bench OVR possible then mix and match players for the best boosts while still maintaining that OVR.


Rookie 1
Not sure if out of topic...

If I use the "Best Lineup" option on the NBA Lineup...KAT (105 with ability) will be the main center while Embiid (106 no ability) will be benched...weird though

I don't mind actually since Embiid can work out even if benched.


All-Star 3
u mean SD game scores?? ranges around 19-21 relative on the match mood...I usually play manual..

If u mean team overall level is 106...
So for eg.. in sd.. when ur opponent plays.. if u get score back as 10 -18.before u play... ur ai can be considered good.. but it u get 2 - 20.. ur ai is bad..
Certain players score well in ur team.. for eg a bunch of us find curry's release really fast


Rookie 1
So for eg.. in sd.. when ur opponent plays.. if u get score back as 10 -18.before u play... ur ai can be considered good.. but it u get 2 - 20.. ur ai is bad..
Certain players score well in ur team.. for eg a bunch of us find curry's release really fast
The only thing with curry is that ultra easy to steal from him for some reason.


Rookie 1
So for eg.. in sd.. when ur opponent plays.. if u get score back as 10 -18.before u play... ur ai can be considered good.. but it u get 2 - 20.. ur ai is bad..
Certain players score well in ur team.. for eg a bunch of us find curry's release really fast

Never really bothered much on the metrics...loss or win is still as it is vis a vis :)

But for discussion let me note and let u know sir..



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