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Basket Bowl packs

Hey, who did you guys get for your Baseket Bowl pack? Seems worthwhile to buy one of the cash packs considering they are the first cards to give a boost to the team. But I have only seen a few on the auction house, I got Oneal

93 Jermaine Oneal +Inside paint shot for the team (DEF lineup)
91 Rondo
Kevin Love

I am sure I saw more, but maintenance is underway.


Rookie 1
Hey, who did you guys get for your Baseket Bowl pack? Seems worthwhile to buy one of the cash packs considering they are the first cards to give a boost to the team. But I have only seen a few on the auction house, I got Oneal

93 Jermaine Oneal +Inside paint shot for the team (DEF lineup)
91 Rondo
Kevin Love

I am sure I saw more, but maintenance is underway.

I got lucky and sniped 93 Draymond for 175k.


All-Star 3
96 AI (might be 95.. )
95 Ben wallace
94 john havlicek
93 jason williams ; jermaine o neal
92 jimmy butler
91 rondo
These are who i remember


Rookie 2
I have the throwback Danny Ainge '82, over 92 with SWC +2 boost.

Then yesterday, I paid 250k coins to get the '05 (S) JR Smith, over 93 in the AH. That JR card gave the team boost +2 in dribbling.


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