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Back Issue Promo


Rookie 3
On the one hand, I’m disappointed to see them repeating the same promo so soon in the season. Let’s us know EA has totally given up on implementing original ideas into the game and are just milking it now.

On the other hand, the comics promo was probably my favorite so far this season, and the one that gave the best rewards for f2p grinders. This promo gives free grinders a minimum of 10 90OVR players. It’ll probably royally screw up the prices in the AH, but that has been a complete shit show anyway with the flooding of cards.

During the last promo, I managed to get my coins up from 600K to about 7M, while maintaining my OVR for all my lineups. I’ve gutted that a bit to get SS and Lockdown at 90OVR for the challenges, but that’s only because I chose to get players I actually want to play with, instead of getting the cheapest ones to get my rating up. I also didn’t bother sniping any of them.

Don’t know if I’ll go for a master though. During the comics promo I traded in three 83 OVR’s (including two Kawhi’s) for an 84 Kawhi, which didn’t seem worth it. If the first set gives me a couple of 92’s, I’ll probably hold on to them. I think I will use the 90-91 players to get a 93, but I’ll most likely stop there.

I’d rather have a couple of good 93’s that I’ll actually use than a single 94.
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Pro 1
Worth buying the court?

Anyone trying to get the masters?
The court has 30% boost and can be used on all 3 blitzes and the respective lineup-specific events.

If it’s auctionable it’s probably worth it. But I can’t find them at my AH so...


Rookie 2
Refresh me about this.
So the best choice is getting a 90 ovr card.
I remember last time I went for the shards. But this time shards is no longer that useful.
So is working on the master valuable? Because putting that much requirement seems too much.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Refresh me about this.
So the best choice is getting a 90 ovr card.
I remember last time I went for the shards. But this time shards is no longer that useful.
So is working on the master valuable? Because putting that much requirement seems too much.
First do 90+ pack then go with bonus tier or elite pack( depends on your ovr)...masters requires to much
I have pulled 2 92 from that 90+ pack


Rookie 2
I have finished the street 10 games before they released the reward. So now I didn't get the free player. What should I do


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I have finished the street 10 games before they released the reward. So now I didn't get the free player. What should I do
They just gave out one for each 10th event you finished I finished LD and Street so I got my 1st KD and 2nd Kawhi


Rookie 1
The Ad for the promo claims that the 90 overall KD, Kawhi, and Lillard are upgradeable to 95. I received my players but have no clue how to upgrade them. any help or ideas?


All-Star 1
The Ad for the promo claims that the 90 overall KD, Kawhi, and Lillard are upgradeable to 95. I received my players but have no clue how to upgrade them. any help or ideas?
I don’t think it literally means the 90’s get upgraded. I think they mean the 95 Masters thru the sets and you can use the 90 versions in those upgrade sets (albeit indirectly).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don’t think it literally means the 90’s get upgraded. I think they mean the 95 Masters thru the sets and you can use the 90 versions in those upgrade sets (albeit indirectly).
Yep that's what they mean a sneaky deceitful way to say use them in sets


Rookie 1
I got a pop-up that had an apology for "conditions that prevented people from progressing" or something like that and mentioned a "gift" as compensation. I did not take a screen shot because I am a dumbass.

There was no subsequent pop up with a gift. I assume everyone got that popup message -- did I miss what the gift was?


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