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B-Side Iverson Sets?


Rookie 1
There is a packs for the Bside collectibles for Iverson at the store but for some reason i cant seem to find the Sets for it?? Am i blind or its simply not up there?

Thanks guys!


Rookie 1
There is a packs for the Bside collectibles for Iverson at the store but for some reason i cant seem to find the Sets for it?? Am i blind or its simply not up there?

Thanks guys!
There is no set. U get the tokens by doing the 20 tokens gold exchange for Robert Horry (if u pull them) or u get them in the store or on the AH.


All-Star 1
No sets. Go into My Team, put Iverson in a lineup, & there should be a TRAIN tab. Just like Elevates. Use tokens there


Rookie 1
AHHHHHH ok thanks guys!! gonna wait for a better 102 SG dont think this one is worth it :)
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Rookie 2
Man it is gonna be hard to get Iverson to 100 (not counting team boosts) with all these tokens required. I had a ton of them due to some week passes for Horry and still its 2,500 just for the 100 level, yikes!


Rookie 1
Man it is gonna be hard to get Iverson to 100 (not counting team boosts) with all these tokens required. I had a ton of them due to some week passes for Horry and still its 2,500 just for the 100 level, yikes!
I sold my collectibles, they are a little too profitable to pass up right now. I will just make a player for free in the next promo.


Rookie 1
Man it is gonna be hard to get Iverson to 100 (not counting team boosts) with all these tokens required. I had a ton of them due to some week passes for Horry and still its 2,500 just for the 100 level, yikes!

Somebody on reddit confirmed that you need the same amount of tokens like Stockton 155 altogether.


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