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Auction House "Unavailable"


Rookie 1
Hi Guys,

I didn't see any posts on this issue yet, so created a new topic. I have been getting a message "Auction House is currently unavailable. Please try again later." But I only get that message when I try click on My Bids (or Place Bid on the inbox message). I can search for auctions, post cards for sale and see My Auctions. But I cannot in any way open the My Bids page. This is problematic because I have bid on a number of items, some unsuccessfully, and I cannot get my coins back.

I have emailed EA's customer service and received the "it's a known glitch; don't worry we're working on it" message a number of times, but with the season ending I was trying to upgrade the lineup for the last hurrah. Customer service gives me no information on whether a solution is forthcoming, or when.

Has anyone else had this issue and was anyone able to resolve it?



Rookie 3
every1 has this, i click through the messages when this happens, every 2nd time it goes in, instead of every 4th or 5th via directly through the AH


Pro 1
I used to have that problem, of sometimes not getting access. Then it got worse, and I haven't had access since the International promo. And I have some 25M(?) stuck there. I still have 11 "placed bids" for +95 players which, at the time, I think were going for 2-2,5M. I also have some 25 bids for +90 players which are probably in the 150-350k range each.

I used to bid a lot on the AH. I enjoyed doing it... always looking for good deals (have some time to do it too). Now I stopped bidding. I have to snipe (which I don't like doing) and I try to keep it the bare minimum i need (for sets mostly).

Yeah... "problematic" is one way to put it :)


Pro 1
Do you guys think this happens when a player has "too many" cards?
(I have a bunch of cards (3000?) on a "permanent" 72h rotation.)


Pro 1
I ended last season complaining about a similar issue in gg in those posts with 'wishes for next season'.

So it seems it's some sort of season-ending-tradition from EA.


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