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Auction House Still Refusing to sell cards


Rookie 3
if u have high enough base overall players.. u could try the elite phil caoch with +5 double boosts tho
Already had Phil Jackson, but I like the boosts that the all defensive team gives me better.

Aaaaaand there goes 5M of my coins, to the only position in my lineup where I definitely did not need another player.


  • Screenshot_20190917_193441.jpg
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Rookie 1
106 Porzingis - 6 weeks
102 Stoudamire - 2 months
2 x 102 Jalen Rose - 2 months
103 Hardaway - 3 weeks

Well some of the "unsalables" on my list sold.
My 102 Jalen Rose took forever to sell. I still have an extra though. lets see how long that takes.


All-Star 1
Well some of the "unsalables" on my list sold.
My 102 Jalen Rose took forever to sell. I still have an extra though. lets see how long that takes.
Tough call to know if selling them now is the right option based on reports of player trade-in set for s4. While trade-in sets have been historically bad for users in the past, I'm guessing it might be better than saving coins but it's anyone's guess. Hopefully, there's some more info before reset to make a better decision...but I doubt it.


Rookie 3
Do you guys think the Shaq promo players will ever be auctionable?

I made the mistake of going for PG Shaq and with the overabundance of PG's I have (including two 109 balanced PG's), he doesn't even have a bench role anymore.

Buying GT Iverson for 5M has so far proven to be less of a mistake than I initially thought, though. He plays far smoother than Westbrook and in the four showdown matches I've played against 110 Magic, he's gotten 13 steals. Before I got Iverson, I have NEVER managed to steal from Magic.


Pro 2
I’m just glad I was finally able to quick sell the 20+ Finals event teammate cards that have been clogging up my items and could not be put in any set. Now if I could quick sell some low ovr cards that started some promos from two months ago......


Rookie 1
I have recently bought a house in zalka and I am aware of an ongoing issue that has been affecting my ability to sell cards on the auction house. Specifically, I've been trying to sell some high-value cards for a few weeks now and have only been successful in selling a small number of them. I have been listing these cards at prices that are lower than the average "buy now" price, but I'm still not getting any bites. I've tried adjusting the prices, but nothing seems to be working. This is causing frustration as I'm missing out on a significant amount of profit. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
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