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Auction house is Broken


Rookie 1
So the auction house broke again. I had a player listed to sell it?s says it sold but not sure for how much since I can?t get in.

When it?s broken people miss the chance to bid on the players. That?s a bit unfair of EA. Anyone know what they do exactly? They did the same thing a while back and I didn?t see the difference


Rookie 1
Thanks I?m still trying to learn my way around this site.

I actually somewhat benefited from the broken AH. I got 97 Payton for almost less than 2m. I feel bad even though one of my players sold low as well.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Thanks I?m still trying to learn my way around this site.

I actually somewhat benefited from the broken AH. I got 97 Payton for almost less than 2m. I feel bad even though one of my players sold low as well.

That's okay- I moved the thread for you.

Nice buy on Payton, I just sold mine for 2.37m a few days back.


Rookie 1
Thanks I?m still trying to learn my way around this site.

I actually somewhat benefited from the broken AH. I got 97 Payton for almost less than 2m. I feel bad even though one of my players sold low as well.

Wow... I guess u r lucky LOL...sell him back when all good....


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