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Auction House advice needed


Rookie 3

So the two players on the left I listed lower than any other player listed in the auction house for the same player however they're absolutely not selling from what I understand is if I list them too low EA will simply not post them and nobody will be able to see them does anybody have any suggestions on how to sell to two players on the left what to listen for etc...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Post for 100 bid and 99,999,999 buy now and if the bot wants it then it will buy it just keep repeating until they're sold


Rookie 3
Post for 100 bid and 99,999,999 buy now and if the bot wants it then it will buy it just keep repeating until they're sold
but if that card gets listed for $100 it will so incredibly cheapI'm going to lose a lot of money are we talkin about a hundred thousand?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
but if that card gets listed for $100 it will so incredibly cheapI'm going to lose a lot of money are we talkin about a hundred thousand?
Not how that works the bot bids and buys cards from users and is the seller of the ones you see on the AH so the bot will bid the market price for the card it won't bid the minimum price just post cards that you're having trouble selling for the prices I said and you'll be fine


Rookie 3
Screenshot_20190820-144207_NBA Live.jpg

These cards have not sold in 4 to 5 weeks been listing them 100 /999999999 any other ideas how to sell them? Other then directly to ea? Any different amounts that can trigger the bot? I refresh him every 4 hours or so


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
View attachment 2188

These cards have not sold in 4 to 5 weeks been listing them 100 /999999999 any other ideas how to sell them? Other then directly to ea? Any different amounts that can trigger the bot? I refresh him every 4 hours or so
If people don't buy them from the not then the bot won't want to buy them from users you have to keep trying that's the only solution that's how EA set up the AH and we unfortunately have to live with it
I try to search for the card I am attempting to sell first. Hopefully I find that same card with a current bid.....If I find A bid I then post my card for the exact same amount and it usually sells.


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