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Are we having single LU in season 3?


Rookie 1
Masters, need your thoughts on this question... Are we having single LU this season 3? Is it possible to disperse my classic LU and strengthen my NBA LU? Thanks mates.


Rookie 2
Re: Are we having single LU this season 3 same with season 1?

I'm not quite sure what are you asking.

Legacy lineups will include both your Classic & NBA starting lineups and benches.

It is still unknown what kind of lineups we'll have in season 3 though.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Re: Are we having single LU this season 3 same with season 1?

The legacy lineup will include both lineups entirely (benches and coaches included) and no season has had 1 lineup


Rookie 1
Re: Are we having single LU this season 3 same with season 1?

The legacy lineup will include both lineups entirely (benches and coaches included) and no season has had 1 lineup

I thought they're gonna scrap the 2 LU coz I have seen a pic with a combo of both NBA and Classic players aa opponent.


Rookie 1
Re: Are we having single LU this season 3 same with season 1?

Maybe the title has to be changed here because it is misleading. In season 1 we had 5 lineups.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Re: Are we having single LU this season 3 same with season 1?

The legacy lineup will include both lineups entirely (benches and coaches included) and no season has had 1 lineup

I thought they're gonna scrap the 2 LU coz I have seen a pic with a combo of both NBA and Classic players aa opponent.

I assume you mean this picture

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/ylYhVKc.jpg">

I honestly think it was just to show how the cards would look but no info on how many lineups we will have outside of legacy has been mentioned but 1 lineup does not seem likely because that will cut down on their profit because people won't have to build as much and won't have to spend as much cash because they would only have to worry about 5-10 players


All-Star 1
Logically I agree w you Stewie but some of the wording by EA has me thinking that you can gather players from "Classic" and "NBA" and use them together......perhaps in only one lineup. Look what they did to Madden. At this point I can certainly see them trying to simplify everything in the game


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Logically I agree w you Stewie but some of the wording by EA has me thinking that you can gather players from "Classic" and "NBA" and use them together......perhaps in only one lineup. Look what they did to Madden. At this point I can certainly see them trying to simplify everything in the game

Simple means less money I think they're just idiots when it comes to wording (proved in the past) hard to believe they would purposely lose money

EA Asros

Rookie 1
Logically I agree w you Stewie but some of the wording by EA has me thinking that you can gather players from "Classic" and "NBA" and use them together......perhaps in only one lineup. Look what they did to Madden. At this point I can certainly see them trying to simplify everything in the game

Simple means less money I think they're just idiots when it comes to wording (proved in the past) hard to believe they would purposely lose money

Not at all. It means building a focused, refined product at launch that we can expand on during the season.

We have plans for additional lineup support in the very near future.


Rookie 1
Asros, that post will cost you 199 "forum cash" just for posting. Or, you have the option of purchasing a $50 Super Duper Post Pack that rewards 5% extra coins and REP, plus tokens to complete a new set!!
....but REP is useless right after you buy the Post Pack and we will completely abandon the whole idea the day after purchasing it so you will never get the tokens and players advertised. Sound like a good deal?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Logically I agree w you Stewie but some of the wording by EA has me thinking that you can gather players from "Classic" and "NBA" and use them together......perhaps in only one lineup. Look what they did to Madden. At this point I can certainly see them trying to simplify everything in the game

Simple means less money I think they're just idiots when it comes to wording (proved in the past) hard to believe they would purposely lose money

Not at all. It means building a focused, refined product at launch that we can expand on during the season.

We have plans for additional lineup support in the very near future.

That still means not just 1 lineup though plus you guys balanced it out with mostly cash pro packs something none of us expected which luckily was changed last minute to 9,999 coin packs


Rookie 2
Asros, that post will cost you 199 "forum cash" just for posting. Or, you have the option of purchasing a $50 Super Duper Post Pack that rewards 5% extra coins and REP, plus tokens to complete a new set!!
....but REP is useless right after you buy the Post Pack and we will completely abandon the whole idea the day after purchasing it so you will never get the tokens and players advertised. Sound like a good deal?

What is the point of this post?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Asros, that post will cost you 199 "forum cash" just for posting. Or, you have the option of purchasing a $50 Super Duper Post Pack that rewards 5% extra coins and REP, plus tokens to complete a new set!!
....but REP is useless right after you buy the Post Pack and we will completely abandon the whole idea the day after purchasing it so you will never get the tokens and players advertised. Sound like a good deal?

What is the point of this post?

Probably to point to some of the dumb things that were done with packs in S2 and S3


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