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Are there any other unreleased certified players?


Rookie 1

Finally have enough tokens, but whiteside doesn't seem very appealing... I'm planning to sell the player after all, no matter whom. Just curious if there's any information indicating if there will be other certified player released in the future. Don't wanna waste the tokens but still looking to maximize the profit
Thanks for your advice :)
I'd think there will be a set for a classic sg based on the pattern so far, but we probably won't know for sure till we get updates from the Asian server. I'm in the same boat, waiting for the next release.

I feel like they initially made Whiteside a 102 like the previous KG, however because of the 105 pantheon players they decided they needed to up his overall but forgot to change his underlying stats to reflect it properly lol.
Recently, the Asia server "preloads" sets so that they appear automatically instead of EA Japan having to do maintenance each day. If there is another Certified player next week, the info will become available towards the end of next week (probably around Thu.)

I suspect that there will be. They didn't change the Showdown bonus last season which means that the Certified player bonus will likely continue until the end of this season as well. The sets have a timer on them which allows for at least one more player. I presume they will continue with the free pack as well.

I'm hoping we get Pete Maravich.


Rookie 3
Also, certified players are easier to build than pantheon masters because it requires only 90 elites. I am very low in coins right now after completing peja and manu and embiid from previous promo with only 3 mil in my bank. Hopefully they release certified players with good stats in the future with 105 or so ovr so i can go after them instead of pantheon.


Rookie 1
I'd think there will be a set for a classic sg based on the pattern so far, but we probably won't know for sure till we get updates from the Asian server. I'm in the same boat, waiting for the next release.
As of now (in sets) we have 4 positions (PG, SF, PF, C) and 4 GP styles (PWR, RNG, SHT, DEF), so the last one should be balanced SG.. but yea, it's EA..


Rookie 1
I just saw a Dennis Smith Jr.card Defensive PG with +3 3pt boost. A balanced Draymond +3 MSA and Power Stockton +3 STL.


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