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Are Game of the night tokens going to be the same?

I dont want to use my game of the night tokens on this weeks batch of players. Can we save them and use them for the next players or will they change to different tokens?
Thanks Stewie. Well in that case I'm going to save them as long as possible. They are so hard to accumulate and the players so far have not even been close to worth it.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Thanks Stewie. Well in that case I'm going to save them as long as possible. They are so hard to accumulate and the players so far have not even been close to worth it.

You're welcome and yeah I'm saving them too but this 89 PF Doncic looks like it could be fun to use based on the stats for the 81 too bad it takes way too long to get an 89


Rookie 1
How can you even get 89 Doncic besides buying packs? It will disappear in a week and you can only get 2 GOTW tokens till then


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