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April monthly master

EA used Horry as a Master last season so I guess it’s not that much of a stretch to have him as a Monthly Master. The alternative in the EA hierarchy of cards was probably Karl Malone or another Duncan, neither of which are appealing to me. Saving Dirk for the master might have been a better idea, and I would have been all over a Garnett if they hadn’t used him for St. Patrick’s Day.


Pro 2
Not doing April’s master. Too much trouble (MM allways is) for too little reward (102 Horry).

By the time i can get him I suspect there will a bunch of PF’s better than Horry. And come on! Is anyone a Horry fan?

I probably won’t even do the daily objectives. Saving packs for now.

But March Madness and April Fools is looking very nice so far... hurray for that

Never an Horry fan and including him in MMs is crazy. BUT, his card’s numbers are crazy good. If he played as good as his card will, he’d be in the Hall of Fame.


Pro 1
Well, this made me curious enough to check out his stats and...

It’s not what I’d call impressive. More like 6th man stats.
For all the NBA experts out there, are these even notable for 6th man standards?


All-Star 3
Well, this made me curious enough to check out his stats and...
View attachment 827

It’s not what I’d call impressive. More like 6th man stats.
For all the NBA experts out there, are these even notable for 6th man standards?
I dont think he was ever meant to do more than what he did.. he has made clutch shots for all 3 teams.. and i mean clutch.. series changing or winning.. he was never gonna get more than that to do playing along the HOFs he played with.. so i think were overthinking his selection as MM.. after a this is the game that gives ben simmons a 80+ 3 pointer..


Rookie 2
I will do Horry up to 97-100 because my shooting line up has been neglected for weeks. I only just got Brodie 101 abt 48 hours ago though, so now my (S) is a bit better. Horry on the bench with his boost is nice. No need to go up to 102 though.
Horry's stats are similar to Joe Smith or Eddie Johnson, the latter of whom won Sixth Man of the Year in '88-89., The difference is that Horry was a role player on championship teams and made a number of famous shots. EA is pushing his card on the basis of those shots. He was a highly efficient role player in three different systems and earned his reputation as a winner. His most productive years were obviously in Houston where he was a starter, but in terms of his quality as a player, Hall of Fame coaches don't put a role player on the floor in the fourth quarter for nothing. I don't think that's enough to carry a month's worth of grinding but there is a playoff theme to it and he was part of the playoffs promo last year.


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