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April Fools' Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief

No joke, we do have a fun campaign for this special day, but there are some unique surprises that we hope you will enjoy laughing at! Play our foolish events and earn enough silly hats to get the April Fools’ Court, Mascot and a free April Fools’ Pack, containing a 95+ OVR player that has been caught being funny on the court!


Campaign Dates
Live Date: April 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST

End of Campaign: April 3, 2019 at 10:00 AM EST


Campaign Map
April Fools’ is a 2-day campaign with 5 events that refresh every 12 hours and cost no stamina to play. Earn 50 Silly Hats by winning each event. You do not need to turn anything into sets as this campaign is a linear progression campaign. You earn each reward as you reach each milestone listed below:

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All-Star 1
Are the rebounding boosts for court and mascot the April Fool's jokes? Lol. Rebounding is busted. And curiously, those boosts haven't been seen this season. But hopefully the court will further boost my OVR.

Also hope Shaq becomes auction able. He'd be a perfect fit on my bench for gameplay boost. Would be nice if the 3pt boost is for team & not for Center only
Lol looks like we both were making a thread about this at the same time. Man I really hope people pull a ton of Shaqs so I can buy him for cheap.


Pro 1
Did anyone have any luck with the Joker pack?
I didn’t resist getting 3 (20k coins each) and only got bronzes. Stopped there.


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