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Anyone having a meltdown on this overtime event down 6 vrs Lakers?

Oh my god I am about to break something

Lost like 9 times, twice on half court shots at buzzer....you start down 6 with a minute left and u got all silver players vrs lebron and kuzma elite. I mean what the f


All-Star 1
The only event I lost (twice) was one of the first 5v5 ones (maybe 2-1). Same issue, crazy buzzer beater once and I missed one at buzzer. I should?ve come here first though to read abt not shooting with anyone but Harden...feel like I deserve extra credit! Haha


Rookie 2
Took 4 tries to beat that and 5 for the 1st finals event. That one was insane, I've never seen Whiteside make so many jumpers.


Rookie 1
Definitely frustrated me more than anything in the Rookie campaign but I got it eventually.

I guess I'm the only one who thought the first Heat event was a lot easier (still annoying though).


Rookie 1
i had to play the same thing around 15-18 times before i finally won on a buzzer beater... that was really mad
Really does suck that the game just decides it's gonna shift into another gear to suck stamina from us....

I was doing the Thunder Roll Blitz (the one that requires 5 showdown packs) and the game robbed me of 40 stamina....Perfect release on the shot (+20) and he misses. No movement on the control stick, so he didn't fade away or anything. Game just decided, "no, you will not get the reward for this event" and that was that lol....

Edit: (this should be called the "Thunder Troll Blitz" lol....got me for 20 more stamina because Harden all of the sudden cant make wide open shots with perfect release in a DRILL lol. Got me for another 20 because immediately after pressing start, the stamina was taken and the app closed (in the old season you at least could get a resume button, but EA has to suck as much out of us as possible now lol)


Rookie 1
Played for about 10-15 times already... Still can't make it LOL
I wish that Harden had more powerful teammates for this event, e.g. Westbrook, Durant, Ibaka instead of Livingston, Sefolosha, Collison... These silver players suck!
Played for about 10-15 times already... Still can't make it LOL
I wish that Harden had more powerful teammates for this event, e.g. Westbrook, Durant, Ibaka instead of Livingston, Sefolosha, Collison... These silver players suck!

I think someone already mentioned it, but you pretty much HAVE to shoot only with Harden lol. He will go almost perfect from 3 point with good release and some space. At that point, it's just trying your best on defense (which is still not enough, sometimes) and hoping the computer misses and doesn't get the rebound.


All-Star 3
Played for about 10-15 times already... Still can't make it LOL
I wish that Harden had more powerful teammates for this event, e.g. Westbrook, Durant, Ibaka instead of Livingston, Sefolosha, Collison... These silver players suck!
Take all ur shots with harden from the corners.. perfect release helps obviously
If ur having difficulty with stopping the AI.. try autoplay..
Played for about 10-15 times already... Still can't make it LOL
I wish that Harden had more powerful teammates for this event, e.g. Westbrook, Durant, Ibaka instead of Livingston, Sefolosha, Collison... These silver players suck!
Take all ur shots with harden from the corners.. perfect release helps obviously
If ur having difficulty with stopping the AI.. try autoplay..

Ahaha the auto play is so bad usually...at least for me. Score will wind up being 6-4 with none of the requirements met haha...Unless you mean just do autoplay for the defense end which, maybe could work


Rookie 1
Played for about 10-15 times already... Still can't make it LOL
I wish that Harden had more powerful teammates for this event, e.g. Westbrook, Durant, Ibaka instead of Livingston, Sefolosha, Collison... These silver players suck!
Take all ur shots with harden from the corners.. perfect release helps obviously
If ur having difficulty with stopping the AI.. try autoplay..
That?s what he meant.

Ahaha the auto play is so bad usually...at least for me. Score will wind up being 6-4 with none of the requirements met haha...Unless you mean just do autoplay for the defense end which, maybe could work


All-Star 1
Some of these were a total pain in the ass.... BUT I really enjoyed being challenged after all was said and done. Much more fun than drills even if I did lose some stamina. And it's not like SD where you SHOULD win but the AI takes over. You know it's a challenge every time. Now I don't need another King James event like S2 but I'll take these more often than not


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