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Any new SG cards coming for Black Friday?


Rookie 1
So now I have enough bf tokens for a 90 ovr player. But should I go for oladipo or not? He does not seem that good inside the paint. Are there any other SG cards that are gonna come in this promo?


All-Star 3
Don't think so any more.. u could build Oladipo, sell him and buy cj or Middleton if u like their stats better


Rookie 1
I still keep my 84 Thompson rather than changing a new SG, unless I have chance to grind for 82Ovr Hayward which I think is the best SG so far


All-Star 1
No, that's it. I was thinking of waiting for Oladipo but figured his stats might not be that great and I was right.

What exactly do you want in your SG? 90 rebounding? He has a 90 mid, 88 3 ball, good defense, great speed & agility and good dunk. So he can bomb it, slash, and defend. Idk who's light years better at the position


Rookie 1
No, that's it. I was thinking of waiting for Oladipo but figured his stats might not be that great and I was right.

What exactly do you want in your SG? 90 rebounding? He has a 90 mid, 88 3 ball, good defense, great speed & agility and good dunk. So he can bomb it, slash, and defend. Idk who's light years better at the position

He really have a great stats and quite balance overall


All-Star 1
I just think it's a funny comment. You might not want him over another player but to say his stats aren't good......?


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