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Another showdown hacker


Rookie 1
Yeaa i know i talkedabout the 28-16 only to say that he seems to be a calm hacker and he doesnt want to be detected but 29-2 and 38-5 is impossible


Rookie 2
Yeaa i know i talkedabout the 28-16 only to say that he seems to be a calm hacker and he doesnt want to be detected but 29-2 and 38-5 is impossible

I had 26-5 before, not that far off 29-2. I do agree about 38-5 being impossible though.


Rookie 1
I dont say that the score is impossible i ve scored 33 in a game butwhat makes it impossible is the opponents and your team.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I dont say that the score is impossible i ve scored 33 in a game butwhat makes it impossible is the opponents and your team.

That score is possible with any team against any team just takes a good combo of skill and luck sometimes overall advantage means nothing and other times it means everything


All-Star 1
+27 is definitely possible - especially when the opponent only has 2 points. It all come downs to number of possessions. The 28-16 scores are less likely due to the limited number of possessions possible in a 2.5 min quarter combined with the time to score on "full possessions" (i.e. having to dribble length of floor) vs. half court possessions resulting from a steal off inbounds or before half court. My best quarter is something like 29-2 (only scored over 30 once that I recall and it may have been 30 even) and as Stewie mentioned, it's pure luck to get that kind of a quarter because so many factors have to be with you (e.g. shots falling, AI sucks, multiple steals etc).

In my opinion, the biggest variable in every quarter I play is down to one thing - the number of steals I get. The obvious reason is it gives me more possessions but the real reason is because it negates one of the biggest factors related to narrow margins - op AI. If I steal the ball on a majority of my opponent's possessions then it doesn't matter if the AI is hitting ridiculous shots.
I used to lose by 20-26 points all the time lol. So 27 is possible. I?ve also beaten teams by 20-26 - personal best was 28-2. Nothing unusual, though it?s unlikely any team will beat their opponents by those margins every game. I?m finding that now that I?m a 99 OVR I lose generally by no more than 15-16 points in the worst cases, and most often I am losing by one possession. Those are aggravating as usual.


Pro 1
Hopefully EA will act and prevent that cheating. They were not good at that this season...at all.

The 38pts are clearly too much and it seems everyone agrees there.

Problem starts when they cheat with more discrete, possible scores like the 28 ones - and then you have a mess of lack of trust - and you don't know if your opponent played great in a lucky quarter or just cheated.

Other thing I can add to the discussion is that I've had a 26-18 a few weeks ago and without having abilities in the classic team, https://i.imgur.com/E68Fcvk.png so the 44 total is possible.


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