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Another kawhi card

So, another kawhi card. The promo master is kawhi, there is one kawhi playoff moment card for his buzzer beater against my sixers. Now kawhi card is out again. I have a question, what if kawhi is again the best player next game, will they release another kawhi card? If they win, he will be the finals MVP, so another card is coming. How many kawhi cards will EA release? Just wondering
This card is awesome & with double clutch. Better than Hero LeBron.
The 106 card is p2w so is not for eveyone like this one.

Dont see any problem :rolleyes:
This card is awesome & with double clutch. Better than Hero LeBron.
The 106 card is p2w so is not for eveyone like this one.

Dont see any problem :rolleyes:
I absolutely will not go after the 106. I am only getting those historic masters. I might get one POTG card but might be tough

D'Angelo Jr.

Rookie 1
So, another kawhi card. The promo master is kawhi, there is one kawhi playoff moment card for his buzzer beater against my sixers. Now kawhi card is out again. I have a question, what if kawhi is again the best player next game, will they release another kawhi card? If they win, he will be the finals MVP, so another card is coming. How many kawhi cards will EA release? Just wondering
They will have the 2nd best player
Jist like game 3... It was leonard kindof but theu gave it to lowry... Or danny green.


Rookie 1
Best shooting SF (and player) I ever had in S3, but sadly the card is low 105, so even with crapload of boosts from Boomer and the bench it's just 106 (Wade with the same boosts is 107).


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