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All "unreleased" players


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Here is an album of previously unreleased cards that slipped through the cracks thanks to the Pantheon platinum set I'll add more as I see them


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Spotted both NBA and Classic 99 fireworks Robinson which I thought didn't exist.

Yeah I saw them too but I never knew (or just can't remember) that he got 1 for each lineup I always thought it was only 1 card
Does this mean the lock-in date is going to be stretched a bit? I don't see how they can release all this stuff before the current deadline.
Does this mean the lock-in date is going to be stretched a bit? I don't see how they can release all this stuff before the current deadline.

There are 3 Tuesdays (14, 21, 28 August) & 3 Fridays (17, 24, 31 August) before deadline. So they have time to release 6 certified & 6 rewind players (3 in sets & 3 in the store)

Bad thing is there is almost no time to enjoy the last cards.


All-Star 1
What about Payton? WIll the Showdown season last a week?

No way to know yet but at least his 104 isn't trainable so I assume that's the case with the other cards too but it should be fixed at some point

Speaking of "trainable"..... kind of pissed that the 2 "Level Up" tokens I've been saving all year can't be used on these new cards. Doesn't show up for GT Magic, Certified Garnett, Pantheon Peja, or Rewind Tmac. I CAN however use Dirk tokens on all of them.....for 2500 TP each. Wow, thanks


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What about Payton? WIll the Showdown season last a week?

No way to know yet but at least his 104 isn't trainable so I assume that's the case with the other cards too but it should be fixed at some point

Speaking of "trainable"..... kind of pissed that the 2 "Level Up" tokens I've been saving all year can't be used on these new cards. Doesn't show up for GT Magic, Certified Garnett, Pantheon Peja, or Rewind Tmac. I CAN however use Dirk tokens on all of them.....for 2500 TP each. Wow, thanks

Not surprised they didn't want people using them in place of 3+ mil TP for 1 level


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