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All Star Lineup coach


Rookie 1
Hi guys,

Could you please recommend the best coaches for All Star Lineup?

Bronze, Silver, Gold or Elite.

I currently have 130 K All Star Points, problaby won't make it to 155. Lineup is 83 overall, and I need a boost to make it 84, to get LeBron.

Thank you in advance


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You don't get to choose or change your coach in that lineup you're given a base coach and that's all you can use with that lineup
You don't get to choose or change your coach in that lineup you're given a base coach and that's all you can use with that lineup

It was weird, some were given bronze balanced Budenholzer (super hard to match 5 since balanced) while others were given a (much easier to match 5 ) gold shooting coach (i forget who the coach was and his boost, maybe was blocking). The coach didn't really affect whether you could reach 84 faster but thought it was odd they did that.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You don't get to choose or change your coach in that lineup you're given a base coach and that's all you can use with that lineup

It was weird, some were given bronze balanced Budenholzer (super hard to match 5 since balanced) while others were given a (much easier to match 5 ) gold shooting coach (i forget who the coach was and his boost, maybe was blocking). The coach didn't really affect whether you could reach 84 faster but thought it was odd they did that.

The gold coach was Budenholzer as well


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