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After these first hours in the game, what will be your focus?

I?m making coins from the Rookies promo.

do you also make coins by putting the golds into the coach set?


For a while, I was getting auctionable golds from the silver rookies exchange set and I would sell those and trade in the non-auctionable ones, but for the past few days, all of the golds have been unauctionable. A lot of people are selling the rookie coaches now so the price has dropped but they're still the most profitable gold cards in the game.

I also open coach packs. You can get a decent amount of coins from a gold and silver coach relative to a low-end gold.
There are only three rookie coaches you can pull. The last few I?ve sold for 40k. That?s double the profit you would get from selling 5 golds. You can get the gold balls from the live event. It?s the silver balls you need to buy if you don?t feel like waiting a few days.


Rookie 1
I don?t feel like I have a clear focus yet... game is too boring with not enough versatility in terms of players or even the ability to do anything beyond grind out shitty players and try to flip them for coins.

I know it hasn?t been that long but you?d think they might?ve at least added new events instead of just new cash packs


Rookie 1
Agreed. We're a whole week into the new season and we haven't gotten an ounce of new content. I'm hopeful we get something new this week but I'm not really expecting it.

This Rookies promo lost its steam pretty quickly. It's ungrindable and there's really only one way to make coins, and everyone is doing it.


Rookie 3
we are MILES ahead of what the start was like in S2..
S2 was shit, lets admit it..
a week in, ok a few glitches, nothing serious, and we havent had any serious updates YET
im positive


Rookie 1
Season 3 hasn't really started yet. I'm waiting till the NBA season kicks off. That's probably when the new content is gonna drop.


Rookie 2
You?re right. We should probably wait out this season. I must agree I?ve been disappointed so far but it is still better than S2 start. And the NBA season has not started yet. I?m probably gonna try and make as much coins as I can and stay put with assembling my team for the moment
In one of Josh's live streams, Brian Waggoner mentioned a new campaign would drop tomorrow. EA may have changed their plans since then but he said there would be new content every Thursday. He said Offseason Movers would be the promo after Rookies.

Rookies would have been a much better promo without the coin packs. People would have tried to grind out the jerseys the same way they did the Harvest and Fall promos last season.


Pro 1
In one of Josh's live streams, Brian Waggoner mentioned a new campaign would drop tomorrow. EA may have changed their plans since then but he said there would be new content every Thursday. He said Offseason Movers would be the promo after Rookies.

In the previous seasons, rushing to access content in the first minutes of a promo was a possible path to success and a reason to be enthusiastic about new content, but now with the limited market, it seems that advantage is likely gone and things will be basically worth the same in first minute of a promo and the last.

I don't mind the market as it is, but if rushing to access new content will net you very little advantage, I think people may not be as excited about it and that's not good for the game in the long term.

We also won't have your Asian-Market scoops anymore, but if the promo is Offseason Movers, a Lebron card being the master seems obvious and being Lebron, I don't think EA will make it easy to get and will try get a good amount of cash as they're doing with Durant.


All-Star 1
It seems like we should get more content soon. If you look through the game manual, there's pics showing the NBA Today menu but it has 2 other content boxes next to it. Also says that we will be able to unlock lineup(s). Who knows though. There are screen caps from S2 instead of S3, it discusses SD in terms of the H2H from early S2,....it's EA after all. Also there's a timer that expires today or tomorrow on the Get It set from the NBA Today menu, maybe that'll change.


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