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Advice for my lineup?


Rookie 1
Aight here’s my newest lineup. I plan on getting that 107 c yao and put gobert on bench. And I’m trying to snipe a good pg for my starting lineup. That Vince will become a 108 by the end of this month. Any other advices for my lineup?? I appreciate it.


Rookie 1
So here’s my newest lineup rn and I’m trying to reach 110. Can anyone give me some suggestions or help?


All-Star 3
Carter or gervin for korver for sure

Replace magic with manute (for team chemistry)

Then maybe lebron gt at sf or drj if he becomes auctionable.. 107 penny also might work


All-Star 1
Need to get a better PG too. 107 Nash will boost to 109, he's great, has a stat boost, and he matches coach boost. Also buy the Fools Court and use that instead


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
So here’s my newest lineup rn and I’m trying to reach 110. Can anyone give me some suggestions or help? View attachment 2358
I've mentioned this before don't make new threads when you can update the one asking for help with your lineup I merged them but remember just update this thread don't make additional ones for the same thing


All-Star 1
Start by getting rid of your 106 players. They need to be upgraded to higher OVR with stat boosts
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Rookie 1

Hello this is my best lineup. I’m wondering if it’s good for next season. Should I sell some players to make some coins for next season or should I keep what I have rn?


Rookie 1
You're doing pretty good.
Make sure you don't neglect your elevate team.
Might have some use too after all the work people have put in it.
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NBA Legend
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View attachment 2837
Hello this is my best lineup. I’m wondering if it’s good for next season. Should I sell some players to make some coins for next season or should I keep what I have rn?
I've mentioned this before don't make new threads when you can update the one asking for help with your lineup I merged them but remember just update this thread don't make additional ones for the same thing
Q Qhu ^


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Uh...I thought that’s not the same...my bad again
In the sense it's the same because you're making a thread about the state of your franchise it would be different if you posted it in a thread about what your question pertains to or one of the 11X lineup threads


Pro 1
You're doing pretty good.
Make sure you don't neglect your elevate team.
Might have some use too after all the work people have put in it.

Was there any specific hint towards the relevance of the elevate team? I only took mine to 100ovr.


All-Star 1
Was there any specific hint towards the relevance of the elevate team? I only took mine to 100ovr.
Not that I've heard. Can't help having flashbacks to season 2 when they announced we got to keep our lineups. I can't even tell you my starting 5 it has been so long since I played a legacy event. :rolleyes:


Rookie 1
The elevate events unlocked at the 100>104>106 ovr levels

during the past 3 months it allowed people to collect Kawhi 110 points.

There is no mention that they will help in the new season, other than build up your existing team to 111-112

My elevate is 111 and i have a team which is borderline 112 (110.9) because of them.


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