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Ads for 5 packs of LA tokens


Rookie 1
Has EA removed the ads for earning free LA tokens lol? Initially i could get at least 50 tokens per day with the coin pack and the ads pack but now everything just fallen apart.


Rookie 2
I’ve been having the problem with the ads for a while now. Every single freaking day they don’t pop up. They eventually do, but I’m probably gonna lose a lot of tokens one day. EA hasn’t been doing crap about it. Typical EA


All-Star 1
Ads still work. For me I won't get anything to show up until 24 hrs has passed since I last got ads. And even then I have to reset my Ad ID sometimes for them to show up again. But they're not broken for everyone


Pro 2
Same here. Use to reset for me around 11pm but I fell asleep one day and it varies in the morning, since I work early too.


All-Star 1
Same here. Use to reset for me around 11pm but I fell asleep one day and it varies in the morning, since I work early too.
You set the reset time with the first ad (from the set of 10) you watch. With promos that have ad resets within 24 hours, I always watch at least one ad at the reset and then I can watch other ads at my leisure. This method also helps with the 4 hr Boom or Bust ad pack.


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