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About selling balanced courts in auctions house of NBA Live Mobile


Rookie 1
Hello all NBA Live Mobile players. Today I want to talk about the court subject. When I search the auctions house, there are very few people selling some beautiful and special courts like the All-Star courts, Telement courts, Margaret courts, Eye of Storm courts ...
I am a person who loves changing courts and changing players so today I am writing this article to expect all of you, if anyone has excess or no longer use All-star courts please sell them to me or other players who need them with the best price (I think about 200k to 500k coins is a good price)
Thank you so much for listening to me, I look forward to hearing your feedback soon.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
2 things:

1. please don't spam the forum with threads about the same thing
2. You can't sell balanced courts for that cheap because they cost 2 million minimum on the AH thanks to the EA bot


Rookie 1
Firstly, thank you for your feedback
2 things:

1. please don't spam the forum with threads about the same thing
2. You can't sell balanced courts for that cheap because they cost 2 million minimum on the AH thanks to the EA bot
Thanks for your feedback, I will post the better opinion in the next time!


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