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About NBA Draft Players 2019


Rookie 1
Just wanna know who more better to use on main line up.
According my count,
Maybe I can get a second pick or third pick.
Hopefully the lag doesn't come when I do draft pick combine events.

So let me know who more better to use ?

(PG) Ja Morant
Screenshot_20190623-143715.png Screenshot_20190623-143720.png

(SG) Rj Barret
Screenshot_20190623-143739.png Screenshot_20190623-143745.png

Thanks before


Rookie 1
It really comes down to what you need or what better helps your line up, or adds another player of the style you want.

Ja appears to have better stats, but if you use a defensive boost Barrett might be the better option.

My second acct I’m going Barrett and he will actually sit on the pine as I want Wade w Clutch to remain starter for the clutch.

Defense is a big stat for me and Barrett from primary is a much better defender. The biggest asset for Ja is his speed


Pro 2
Barret has an iffy 3 which is a drawback in a game that’s offense depends on shooting 3s. Ja has a good 3 and, so far anyway, steals the ball a lot.

Think of Barrett’s 3 Like any Harden card this season - really inconsistent.


All-Star 3
Barret has an iffy 3 which is a drawback in a game that’s offense depends on shooting 3s. Ja has a good 3 and, so far anyway, steals the ball a lot.

Think of Barrett’s 3 Like any Harden card this season - really inconsistent.
The animated harden plays really well for me now.. he was not that good on day 1 but from day 2 he s been great


Rookie 1
It really comes down to what you need or what better helps your line up, or adds another player of the style you want.

Ja appears to have better stats, but if you use a defensive boost Barrett might be the better option.

My second acct I’m going Barrett and he will actually sit on the pine as I want Wade w Clutch to remain starter for the clutch.

Defense is a big stat for me and Barrett from primary is a much better defender. The biggest asset for Ja is his speed

Actually I don't really care about the style of the game (boost item) as long as it matches 3 players, I think that's enough.
The problem is whether him are good to use as starting, like either in 3pt or stealing balls.

Sometimes status isn't very helpful but of course we need update our lineup for compete in league or showdown.


Rookie 1
Barret has an iffy 3 which is a drawback in a game that’s offense depends on shooting 3s. Ja has a good 3 and, so far anyway, steals the ball a lot.

Think of Barrett’s 3 Like any Harden card this season - really inconsistent.

Nice info buddy, hope can got Ja so much rather than Barret.
Have PG with good steals and 3pt it's helpful on match.


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