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Abilities gameplay


Rookie 3
They released so many players with abilities all at the same time which i think not really a good idea. By the way, what's the gameplay having all the position with abilities? Having 2 players with total of 5 clutches last season really changed the way i played which is not enjoyable since i felt i need to focus more on timing rather than my actual game style. Thanks!


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It's not an issue because there aren't a bunch of varying times or players with multiple ability shots all clutch and ITP uses require 1:30 of live ball action to activate and the same goes for BB but it's 1:58 no clutch or ITP players with multiple uses or varying charge times


All-Star 1
Well, I think you're wrong Stewie. It is a problem. I've played against a BB twice in SD and both times they launched a BB with somewhere between 15-30 seconds left. So when you face a player with 2 BB abilities......and there are quite a few out there ... You get hosed twice. Or you can do like last season & alter your game at the 30 second mark.

I played a 94 OVR today with all starters being Ghosts. Even without him getting multiple clutch shots per player, I still lost bc of this crap. Here's the scenario......I block one clutch shot, doing well up by 8, looking to get a bigger lead. Then the AI passes cross court to Iverson and instantaneously he catches it, shoots, clutch box lights up, and slow-mo starts. No possible way to defend it let alone figure out what was happening. I score & then as they bring it up court, Russell gets a pass and launches from the tip off circle. I go down & miss a shot, they inbound it to the PG & launch another BB. I won my quarter but lost the match by 5 because of straight up cheese. Two undefendable half court+ shots and a cheese clutch shot did me in.

I don't care if the ghosts were 97 OVR. The fact that they released all of them with abilities and made them so easily attainable is a garbage move by the dev team. They could make $ without taking a dump on fair game play. Saw a SC today of a lineup with 7 ghosts. Really?

And I'm not all jealous or whiny bc I don't have any Ghosts. I have enough coin to get a few ghosts but I'm holding off from players with abilities for as long as I can. Totally takes the fun out of it for me.


Rookie 1
I lost a game today against a 93 OVR team when the AI hit two buzzer beater and a clutch back to back. First it was a clutch then the PG hit a buzzer better, then the AI passed inbounded to the Center for another buzzer beater. I wanted to throw my phone out the window.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well, I think you're wrong Stewie. It is a problem. I've played against a BB twice in SD and both times they launched a BB with somewhere between 15-30 seconds left. So when you face a player with 2 BB abilities......and there are quite a few out there ... You get hosed twice. Or you can do like last season & alter your game at the 30 second mark.

I played a 94 OVR today with all starters being Ghosts. Even without him getting multiple clutch shots per player, I still lost bc of this crap. Here's the scenario......I block one clutch shot, doing well up by 8, looking to get a bigger lead. Then the AI passes cross court to Iverson and instantaneously he catches it, shoots, clutch box lights up, and slow-mo starts. No possible way to defend it let alone figure out what was happening. I score & then as they bring it up court, Russell gets a pass and launches from the tip off circle. I go down & miss a shot, they inbound it to the PG & launch another BB. I won my quarter but lost the match by 5 because of straight up cheese. Two undefendable half court+ shots and a cheese clutch shot did me in.

I don't care if the ghosts were 97 OVR. The fact that they released all of them with abilities and made them so easily attainable is a garbage move by the dev team. They could make $ without taking a dump on fair game play. Saw a SC today of a lineup with 7 ghosts. Really?

And I'm not all jealous or whiny bc I don't have any Ghosts. I have enough coin to get a few ghosts but I'm holding off from players with abilities for as long as I can. Totally takes the fun out of it for me.

You took what I said completely out of context I was saying that from a manual gameplay standpoint there is no issue because you're not rushing to activate all of them because they all activate attend the same time and only get 1 use per quarter per player that being said I'll also address your other stuff

Yes there are issues with defending it and I've seen many lineups with 5+ ghosts and even 1 with all 9 of them on his team it does sick ass to play those teams which is why I made one of those teams for myself by going out and sniping those presents because I knew it would be a pain in the ass to play against
I enjoy the challenge of defending against abilities. It makes the game more dynamic instead of having the same old, stale, gameplay. Gameplay for me has boiled down to steal, take a 3, steal again, take a 3, steal again, take a 3. With abilities I have to be aware of which players have them, what time they activate, block the clutch, and have proper clock management. So the more abilities the merrier for me.


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