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A reminder a warning a note about NBA Cash til the end of Season 2


Rookie 2
Just saw that today was the first time they made a pack where if you buy one for 299 you get a free pro pack next season.

For those who are new or forget, these packs don't help you in the new Seasons. This si the first attemp at everyone to spend their cash this season so the playing field is more even to start next year.

Full disclosure I did buy 1 pack. But as a general rule we shouldn't be buying these. I am a F2P player who has a top 140 LvL team and both Teams at 98 and the best way to do that is to save your NBA Cash for next Season and do really well with the earlier promos, Harvest-Xmas/Winter. When i got Booker 90 this season it sold for 34 million and allowed me to have a great year.

Not directing anyone how to play or enjoy the game but soon like last year elites will be the price of golds, 85-90 elites will be afterthoughts and 90+ elites the price will come way down. The last week or 2 anyone will be able to build a 95 team even if they are newer to the game...
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Rookie 2
Yeah, with only a month left on the season, I think the cash will be more useful in S3 than whatever 90 OVR card you get now and a pro pack later.


Rookie 1
Good valid points. I only opened the 2 free ones. As it is a good deal atm there will be probably better and the pro pack is worthless.

Nice job helping guide others.
I need some coin I want a few of these players, I spent about 2500 ea cash on em. Good deal if low on coin and wanting to get help getting to a 105


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