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A look back at the Crossroads promo

For some reason, this promo continues to intrigue me whenever I see one of the cards pop up in the Auction House. It's interesting to ponder how the season turned out for the players both in-game and in real life.

This is how the promo was presented to us back in November;

"NBA LIVE Mobile tipped off its all-new season on November 1st, 2017 with a host of exciting new features. They're celebrating the new season with the new Crossroads program. As the name implies, this program features players who are at a crossroads in their career, whether they are a veteran star, a rookie, or everything in between. Here are the program players and the major questions they must answer this season:

Lonzo Ball: Can the much-hyped rookie revitalize a legendary franchise?
Giannis Antetokounmpo: Giannis has improved his game every year, but is he finally ready to make the jump to superstardom and become a threat to the Cavs in the East?
Carmelo Anthony: Melo finds himself on...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Great thread man but Wade got a handful of 90+ cards including a 97 Independence card but I think Giannis was closer to reaching his goal on the card and had the best season of them


Rookie 2
10/10 post.
Most of those were long stretches even at the time of release so not surprised they didn't come true.


Rookie 1
Damn good looks. Unlike Lonzo in real life, he was hot from the corner in H2H I recall, but then yeah, the devs knew which direction to go and gave them the "cheese" which I really was upset over and eventually I had to pick up one of those Simmons.



All-Star 3
Nice post @commond
Agree with ur assessments .. only giannis stepped up.. the only hesitation I have with him is he doesn't seem to make his team better just like KAT(who tends not to be aggressive).. contrast is players like LeBron and embiid.. even their subpar games seem to get wins.. I guess AD is somewhere in the middle
Great thread man but Wade got a handful of 90+ cards including a 97 Independence card but I think Giannis was closer to reaching his goal on the card and had the best season of them

I think Wade had a Finals Legend card as well. On Asia and China, you could upgrade the City edition to a 99 OVR, IIRC. I seem to recall you could add boosts to it on China as well. It seemed like the most prominent Wade card because it had great card art and was a stand-alone, store exclusive. Coincidentally, they brought it back the other day as a topper.

I'm sure there are some other cards I've forgotten. I forgot that Carmelo had a Fireworks card.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Great thread man but Wade got a handful of 90+ cards including a 97 Independence card but I think Giannis was closer to reaching his goal on the card and had the best season of them

I think Wade had a Finals Legend card as well. On Asia and China, you could upgrade the City edition to a 99 OVR, IIRC. I seem to recall you could add boosts to it on China as well. It seemed like the most prominent Wade card because it had great card art and was a stand-alone, store exclusive. Coincidentally, they brought it back the other day as a topper.

I'm sure there are some other cards I've forgotten. I forgot that Carmelo had a Fireworks card.

He got a 95 Finals card but not Finals Legend but yeah the China City one could be exchanged for a boosted version with +4 3pt and AGL with good statsuch better then the stats our Wade cards get


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