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A Few Questions!


Rookie 1
People have been saying that the DS promo has been very P2W. However, for beginners like me (just played for 1.5 weeks now), I can get around 2 DS elites per day for around 400k daily. And they cost even more in the beginning of the promo. So IMO it wasn't too bad, but since I haven't been around long, maybe it's because past promos have been way more profitable than this?

Any other suggestions appreciated! Thanks!


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
1. They say that because it is impossible to get 1 platinum card from the promo without a bunch of coins

2. TPT stands for Three Point aka 3pt and yes that is correct

3. Get rid of the golds and get rid of Billups to balance out your team and this site isn't nbalive.gg this is a new site that is not affiliated with that site but due to shitty management it caused this site to be made since there are members who don't want to stay under that same management on a different site


Rookie 3
1] according to me this promo is great because i have made more than 2m coins from this promo

2] that tobias harris is from all star promo he was in 3 point contest so his card gives +2 3pt ability to all team

3]see this website will be much better than that site


Rookie 1
You made a good squad only for 1.5 weeks lol...lucky u did not play since first season. The price is crazier and slower to top your overall lol.....good luck bro


Rookie 1
1. They say that because it is impossible to get 1 platinum card from the promo without a bunch of coins

2. TPT stands for Three Point aka 3pt and yes that is correct

3. Get rid of the golds and get rid of Billups to balance out your team and this site isn't nbalive.gg this is a new site that is not affiliated with that site but due to shitty management it caused this site to be made since there are members who don't want to stay under that same management on a different site

gotcha, for a new site, this site is amazing! great work by you guys, just a little more formatting and this site will be all set!! Very sleek design


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
1. They say that because it is impossible to get 1 platinum card from the promo without a bunch of coins

2. TPT stands for Three Point aka 3pt and yes that is correct

3. Get rid of the golds and get rid of Billups to balance out your team and this site isn't nbalive.gg this is a new site that is not affiliated with that site but due to shitty management it caused this site to be made since there are members who don't want to stay under that same management on a different site

gotcha, for a new site, this site is amazing! great work by you guys, just a little more formatting and this site will be all set!! Very sleek design

Thanks and yeah the site is still being tweaked it was put up asap so the fixes would have to made as it the site grows and and each user serves as a tester stuff is actually being worked on instead of being ignored for months at a time like at GG


Rookie 1
Sell Billups and use the coins to buy some good 3pt shooters. Also, sell that Giannis, he's not that great. 3pt shooting and rebounding are the most important stats in the game, build your team around players with high ratings in those 2.


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