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98 DS GP’s +7 steal boost to PG

Hey guys, can anyone weigh in on your experience with having 98 DS GP on your bench for his +7 steal boost to your starting PG? IMO, your ability to steal the ball is one of the most important factors affecting margins on manual play. Although my MM magic is already a greater pilferer than his modest 88 STL rating might suggest, I?m intrigued by the prospect of enhancing his steal rating further (I already have UL pippen giving the team a +5 steal boost). In your response, please assume acquisition cost for GP is a non-issue. Thanks!


Rookie 2
Since Payton already has the highest steal rating in the game (I could be wrong), his boost would make other PGs similar to his.
Therefore this looks redundant to me. Why get a card for your bench that makes your starter as good as the previous card?
I?d consider this because I love my MM magic and wouldn?t want to use GP as my starter. I think even after all this time MM magic is still the best classic PG, outside of maybe that 99 Lebron. He?s a deadeye shooter from downtown Plus his height gives him a real advantage on D. But, again, I would only consider getting GP on my bench if people can attest to there being a noticeable improvement in their starting PG?s steal rate.
Since Payton already has the highest steal rating in the game (I could be wrong), his boost would make other PGs similar to his.
Therefore this looks redundant to me. Why get a card for your bench that makes your starter as good as the previous card?


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